About Us

The idea of ANOSR has its roots in student social movements since 1995, a time when local leaders felt the need for national coordination, but the structure later took shape during the 1998 student movements.
Under these conditions, in March 30, 1999, in Timisoara, on the occasion International Student Week It was decided to convene a constituent General Assembly to which all interested organizations were invited to attend. National Student Alliance. The 24 organizations present had extensive debates on the status, organization and structure of this federation.
The resulting structure in this first phase was much focused on the rapid resolution of social problems, being organized rather as an urgent information and mobilization network. We can say that at this initial moment one could not speak of an independent federation, but rather of an eminently union structure.
The end of 1999 represented for ANOSR a baptism of "fire" due to the large social movements in waves, at which point we proved that we are able to represent and mobilize tens of thousands of students on the streets of more than 70% in Romanian university centers.
From the first moments, the opposition of the government was obvious and was going to become more and more open, starting from the organization of another student meeting in parallel and ending with the harassment of justice. This situation made us even more ambitious in order to obtain legal status.
Without the approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, with the approval of the Ministry of National Education obtained in court, in the fight with the judges and with the documents prepared for Strasbourg, we managed to obtain in March 2000, when I had no hope, legal personality, by a decision of Supreme Court of Justice.