Mandates in ANOSR


Președinte: Oana Alexandra ȚÎNȚAR, delegat OSUT Cluj

Vicepreședinte executiv: Daniel-Mădălin VRĂJESCU, delegat Liga AC | Sergiu COVACI, OSUT delegate

Secretar general: Ioana SPOIALĂ, delegat ASPSE

Vicepreședinte educațional: Antonio STAN, ASCIG delegate

Vicepreședinte educațional: Andreea ARGEȘEANU, delegat OSUT  | Sergiu COVACI, OSUT delegate

Vicepreședinte educațional: Petronela CADAR, delegat LSE | Andi-Nicolae ALUPEI, delegat StudPAC

Vicepreședinte dezvoltare organizațională: Paula BELDEAN, delegat PRIME Iași

Vicepreședinte dezvoltare organizațională: Rita CHENGHE, LSPV delegate

Vicepreședinte relații internaționale: Daciana POP, delegat SSE

Vicepreședinte relații publice: Denis PRUNĂ, delegat Liga FSC

Vicepreședinte proiecte: Octavian SAUCIUC, ASLS delegate

Censor: Tamara CIOBANU, OSUBB delegate

Censor: Claudiu MARIN, ASPR delegate


Președinte: Oana Alexandra ȚÎNȚAR, delegat OSUT Cluj

General secretary: Iuliana-Mirela GHIGA, delegat ASLS Petronela CADAR, ASCIG delegate

Vice President of Education: Irina-Cristiana IONETE, SSFB delegate Andreea Raluca ARGEȘEANU, delegate LSG | Petronela CADAR, delegat SSE

Vice President of Internal Affairs: Andi-Nicolae ALUPEI, delegat LSE Gabriela-Ramona LAZAR, delegat LSE | Alexandra IVAȘC, delegat A.S-S.AS | Alexandru-Alberto UDREA, MPT League delegate

Vice President of Organizational Development: Claudiu MARIN, delegat ASPR 

Vice President International Relations: Tamara CIOBANU, OSUBB delegate

Vice President of Public Relations: Denisa Valeria CURMEI, delegat SSE

Vice President Projects: Sebastian-Olav BALMUȘ, delegat ASD Iași Octavian SAUCIUC, ASLS delegate

Censor: Larisa DUMITROAEA, OSUT delegate

Censor: Cornelia-Florina FECHETE, delegat A4


President: Horia-Șerban ONIȚA, delegate of ASD Bucharest 

General secretary: Oana Alexandra ȚÎNȚAR, OSUT delegate Cluj

Vice President of Education: Cristian Stelian AVRAM, LSUMC delegate | Ana DUPLAVA, ASPS delegate | Andreea-Oana PĂUN, delegat LSTGM | Andrei STAN, OSUT delegate

Vicepreședinte Interne: Sergiu-Nicolae POPA, delegat SSMI | Denisa-Elena POPA, delegat SSFB | Bogdan Alexandru PICAN, OSTL delegate | Otilia MOCANU, ASLS delegate

Vice President of Organizational Development: Claudiu MARIN, delegat ASPR

Vice President International Relations: Tamara CIOBANU, OSUBB delegate

Vice President of Public Relations: Elena Alexandra ENE, delegat SiSC | Robert-Ionuț GABOR, OSTL delegate | Andrei LĂCRARU, delegat ASUS

Vice President Projects: Bianca VAIDA, AC League delegate

Vice President of Finance: How DRUTE, ASMI delegate

Censor: Cornelia-Florina FECHETE, delegat A4

Censor: Andrei Răzvan FLORE, delegat LSFETc


President: Horia-Șerban ONIȚA, delegate of ASD Bucharest 

General secretary: Oana Alexandra ȚÎNȚAR, OSUT delegate Cluj

Vice President of Education: Ana DUPLAVA, ASPS delegate

Vice President of Education: Tamara CIOBANU, OSUBB delegate

Vice President of Education:  Alexandra Ana Maria ZARA, delegat OSUT |  Mihai ANESCU, LSFEE delegate

Youth Vice President: Cătălin-Ionuț FILIP, LSPV delegate

Vice President of Organizational Development: Bogdan Alexandru HOANCĂ, delegat LSFMT

Vice President of Internal Affairs: Claudiu Sorin ȚĂRAN, delegat A4

Vice President International Relations: Andrei STAN, delegat AStA Cluj

Vice President of Public Relations: Cornelia-Florina FECHETE, OSTL delegate

Vice President of Finance: Andreea GAVRILOIU, delegat ASLS | Ioan-Robert OLARIU, delegat LSFETc |  Andrei Răzvan FLORE, delegat LSFETc

Censor: Irina DUMA, AC League delegate

Censor: Loredana Marina MATACHE, ASCIG delegate


President: Petrișor-Laurențiu ȚUCĂ, LSFMT delegate

Vice President of Education: Petru APOSTOAIA, delegat ASD București

Vice President of Education: Tamara CIOBANU, OSUBB delegate

Vice President of Education: Ana DUPLAVA, ASPS delegate 

Youth Vice President: Ștefan-Alexandru STANCU, delegat PRIME Iași

Vice President of Organizational Development: Cristina-Mihaela GEORGESCU, ASPR delegate

Vice President International Relations: Irina DUMA, OSUT Cluj delegate

Vice President of Public Relations: Larissa-Sorana BAIAȘ, LSFT delegate

Vice President Projects: Crina-Rodica MALIARCIUC, AC League delegate

Vice President of Finance: Loredana Marina MATACHE, ASCIG delegate

Censor: Esna RESUL, LSUMC delegate

Censor: Alexandru-Marian CHIRU, LSFEE delegate 


President: Petrișor-Laurențiu ȚUCĂ, LSFMT delegate

General secretary: Andreea-Raluca VIȘINICĂ, delegat A.S-S.AS | Alexandra-Simona ZAMFIR, SSMI delegate

Vice President of Education: Larissa-Sorana BAIAȘ, LSFT delegate

Vice President of Education: Irina DUMA, OSUT Cluj delegate

Vice President of Education: Esna RESUL, LSUMC delegate

Youth Vice President: Lenuța-Ioana GRAD, LSPV delegate

Vice President of Internal Affairs: Horia MOLDOVAN, OSUBB delegate

Vice President of Organizational Development: Vlad VĂTĂU, delegate LSFETc | Catalina-Iulia PETRUȘ-POP, ASPR delegate

Vice President International Relations: Artur ȚVENTARNÎI, OSB delegate Timisoara

Vice President of Public Relations: Anastasia COSTE, OSUT delegate

Vice President Projects: Daniel-Ionuț CIOCHINĂ, delegate LSG | Marian-Valerio IANCU, delegat LSFEE | Robert HERMENEANU, ASLS delegate

Censor: Mihnea-George MUNTEANU, AC League delegate

Censor: Alexandru-Marian CHIRU, LSFEE delegate


President - Marius DEACONU, delegate of AGSM

General secretary - Larisa DUMITROAEA, delegate of LSPV

Vice President of Education - Paul Emanuel mark, OSUBB delegate | Izabela Raluca MUNTEANU, delegat de ASUS

Vice President of Education - Horia Serban Oniţa, delegate of LSG

Vice President of Education - Artur ȚVENTARNÎI, delegate of OSB Timișoara

Youth Vice President - Ştefania Ancuţa GUGU, delegat de A.S-S.AS

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Petrișor Laurențiu ȚUCĂ, delegate of LSFETc

Vice President Organizational Development - George Alexandru BUNESCU, OSUT delegate

Vice President of Public Relations - Adelina Elena TÎRNOVANU, delegate of PRIME Iași

Vice President International Relations - Alexandru Iulian DREPTATE, delegate of OSUT Cluj

Vice President Projects - Alexandru STERN, delegat de ASPR | Cezara Georgiana MĂLĂNCUȘ, delegate of ASFI

Censor - Mihnea George MUNTEANU, delegate of Liga AC


President - Vlad CHERECHEȘ, OSUT delegate 

General secretary - Diana GHERASIM, OSUBB delegate | Amelia Elena MISTREANU, delegate of ASFI

Vice President of Education - Bianca Alexandra CONE, delegat de A.S-S.AS | Alina Ionela PÎRCIU, delegate of ASPP

Vice President of Education - Larisa DUMITROAEA, delegate of OSB Timișoara

Vice President of Education - Marius DEACONU, delegate of AGSM

Vice President Organizational Development - Madalina FLOREA, LSE delegate

Vice President Projects - Mădălin PĂTRAȘCU, delegate of LSG

Vice President International Relations - Ionuț Alexandru ILOVAN, OSUT Cluj delegate

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Mihnea George MUNTEANU, delegate of Liga AC

Vice President of Public Relations - Ioana VASILIEV, LSFT Delegate | Loredana LUȚESCU, delegate of LSFMPT

Youth Vice President - Robert Ionuț CHIRIȚĂ, delegate of ASLS | Miron ȚIGĂNAȘ, delegate of ASSM

Censor - Florin VILCEA, delegate of LSCT


President - Vlad CHERECHEȘ, OSUT delegate 

General secretary - Andrei VASILE, delegate of LSUMC | Roxana Maria CEACA, delegate of Philos

Vice President of Education - Iulia POP, delegate of ASPR

Vice President of Education - Marius DEACONU, LSUA delegate

Vice President of Education - Mihaela CÎRNU, delegated by AS-SAS

Vice President Organizational Development - Corin MIHUȚ, OSF delegate | Vlăduț ILIE, delegate of Liga AC

Vice President Projects - Robert CIOCOTOIU, delegate of OSB Timișoara

Vice President International Relations - Dragoș DUMITRU, OSUT Cluj delegate

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Daniel HOLOCAN, delegate of LSG | Alexandra POPA, delegate of ASFI

Vice President of Public Relations - Aida OPÎRLESC, delegate of Liga AC | Ioana VASILIEV, delegate of SSFB

Censor - Florin VILCEA


President - Cristi POPESCU, OSUT Cluj-Napoca delegate

General secretary - Dragos DUMITRU, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Iulia POP, delegate of ASPR

Vice President of Education - Alexandra LEPĂDATU, delegate of LSG

Vice President of Education - Elena IACOBENCU, delegate of LSUMC | Vlad CHERECHEȘ, OSUBB delegate

Vice President Organizational Development - Florin VILCEA, delegate of Liga AC

Vice President Projects - Tudor OGNER, delegate of Solidus | Razvan BALTĂ, delegate of LSFMT

Vice President International Relations - Maria NEMEŞ , LSFMPT delegate

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Sânziana MARDALE, delegate of LSTGM | Daniel HOLOCAN, thawed by OSUT 

Vice President of Public Relations - Andra MICLĂUȘ, OSF delegate

Youth Vice President - Gabriela DELEANU, delegate of ASPSE | Andrei VASILE, delegate of ASCIG

Censor - Alina BOSÂNCEANU, delegate of LSUEM


President - Mihai DRAGOȘ, delegate of ASPSE Bucharest

General secretary - Raluca NEGRU, delegate of ASPR Cluj-Napoca | Dragos DUMITRU, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Anca MĂRGINEANU, delegated by PHILOS Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Cristi POPESCU, delegate of OSUT Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of Education - Anca BABEȚ, OSUT delegate 

Vice President of PR - Brînduşa LUNGU, delegated by SSMI Iași

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Sânziana MARDALE, delegate of OSF Cluj-Napoca

Vice President International Relations - Andrada OPREA , SiSC Bucharest delegate

Vice President of Finance - Mircea MERIACRI, delegated by ASFI Iași /Andrei PETERI AC League delegate

Censor - Delia GOLOGAN


President - Mihai DRAGOȘ, delegate of ASPSE Bucharest

General secretary - Delia GOLOGAN, delegate of OSF Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of Education - Anca MĂRGINEANU, delegated by PHILOS Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Ana-Maria RĂDOI, delegate of LSFETc Timișoara

Vice President of Education - Andreea PETRUȚ, delegat de OSUBB Cluj -Napoca

Vice President of PR - Brindusa LUNGU, delegated by SSMI Iași

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Mircea MERIACRI, delegated by ASFI Iași

Vice President International Relations - Cristi POPESCU, delegate of OSUT Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of Finance - Edwald GILLICH, delegate of LSFMT Timișoara

Censor - Raluca NEGRU, delegate of ASPR Cluj-Napoca


President - Daniela ALEXE, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

General secretary - Mihai DRAGOŞ, delegate of ASPSE Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Delia GOLOGAN, delegate of OSF Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of Education - Maria PĂDURE, delegated by ASER Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Anca PRISĂCARIU, delegate of LSUMC Constanța

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Bogdan MUNTEANU, delegated by SSMI Iași Patricia COUȚI, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Vice President International relations - Teodora TALPEȘ, OSUT delegate Cristi POPESCU, delegate of OSUT Cluj

Vice President of PR - Vlad BOLDURA, delegate of LSFETc Timișoara Flavia GHERMAN, delegat de OSE Cluj

Vice President of Finance - Andrei CERBU, delegate of LSG Galați

Censor - Alin FILIMON, delegate of ASUS Suceava


President - Daniela ALEXE, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

General secretary - Alin FILIMON, delegate of ASUS Suceava

Vice President of Education - Maria PĂDURE, delegated by ASER Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Irina Maria ENEA, delegate of ASPR Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of Education - Anca PRISĂCARIU, delegate of the AC Timișoara League

Internal Vice President - Daniel ORZA, delegate of LSPV Baia-Mare

International Vice President - Mihai DRAGOŞ, delegate of ASPSE Bucharest

Vice President PR - Cristina Ramona FIT, OSUT delegate 

Vice President of Finance - Dan AVRAM, delegate of OSE Cluj-Napoca

Censor - Oana RACHERIU, delegate of LSUMC Constanța


President - Cezar Mihai HÂJ, delegate of ASB Iași

General secretary - Oana RACHERIU, delegated by ELSA Bucharest

Vice President of Education - Daniela ALEXE, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Professional Vice President - Valentin OROS, delegate of LSUMC Constanța

Social Vice President - Angel CODREAN, delegate of LIGA AC Timișoara

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Cristiana PANŢIR, OSUT delegate 

International Vice President - Carmen DOBOCAN, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Financial Vice President - Adrian SOCACIU, delegate of OSTL Timișoara

PR Vice President - Cristina Ramona FIT, OSUT delegate 

Censor - Bogdan CARDOS, delegate of OSUT Cluj-Napoca


President - Cezar HÂJ, delegate of ASB IASI

General secretary - Catalina APOSTLE, delegate of OCSE Bucharest

Social Vice President - Marius TOMA, delegate of CAST Suceava

Vice President of Education - Mihai VILCEA, delegate of LigaAC Timișoara

Professional Vice President - Daniela ALEXE, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Vice President of PR - Denisa NICA, delegat de ASJC București Andrei CRĂCIUN, delegate of LSFMT Timișoara

Internal Vice President - Virgil SMĂRĂNDOIU, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Vice President International Relations - Gabriela ANGEL, delegate of VIP Bucharest

Vice President of Finance - Adrian SOCACIU, delegate of OSTL Timișoara

Censor - Mihai CĂLIN, delegate of OSE Bucharest


President - Irina TUDOR, delegate of ASFSP Bucharest

General secretary - Caesar HÂJ, delegated by ASB Iași

First Vice President - Vlad ATANASIU, OSE delegate

Vice President of Education - Bogdan CARDOS, delegate of OSUT Cluj-Napoca

Image Vice President - Bogdan BUTA, delegate of OSUT Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of PR - Ana-Maria BUSONIU, delegate of LASSPRI Sibiu

Professional Vice President - Daniel SPOIALA, delegate of CAST SUCEAVA

Vice President Projects - Cristina CRISTEA, OSE delegate

Vice President International Relations - Robert CRISTEA, OSUT delegate 

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Virgil SMARANDOIU, delegate of OSUBB CLUJ

Social Vice President - Daniel JURAVLE, delegate of LSE IASI

Vice President of Finance Marius ECEA, delegate of LSPV

Vice President Training - Mihai CIOBOTARU, delegate of ASFI IASI


President - Ligia DECA, delegate of LSUMC Constanța

General secretary - Robert CRISTEA, OSUT delegate 

First Vice President - Mihai Cezar HÂJ, delegated by ASB Iași

Vice President of Education - Vlad ATANASIU, delegate of OSE Bucharest

Social Vice President - Florin BODIN, delegate of LSFMT Timișoara

Vice President Projects - Raul DRENTA, delegate of LSPV Baia-Mare

Vice President of Internal Affairs - Ana Maria ROMAN, delegate of LSUA Alba-Iulia

Vice President International Relations - Alexandru POP, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Image Vice President - Irina TUDOR, delegate of ASFSP Bucharest

Treasurer - Ioana URSU, delegate of OSF Cluj-Napoca


President: Viorel PROTEASA, OSUT delegate 

General secretary: League DECA, delegate of LSUMC Constanța

First Vice President: Mihai Cezar HÂJ, delegated by ASB Iași

Vice President of Education: Traian BRUMA, delegated by OSE Bucharest

Image Vice President: Irina TUDOR, delegate of ASFSP Bucharest

Vice President Projects: Florin BODIN, delegate of LSFMT Timișoara

International Vice President: Alexandru POP, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Vice President of the Interior: Ana Maria ROMAN, delegate of LSUA Alba-Iulia

Professional Vice President: Vlad MOGOŞ, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Social Vice President: Alina MIHALACHE, delegate of LSG Galați

Financial Vice President: Otilia PETCONI, delegated by OSH Timișoara


President: Cristi DUMITRU, delegated by LSG Galați

General secretary: Oana Andreea BOSOI, delegate of AAAPE Bucharest

First Vice President: Angela POP, delegated by LIGA AC Timișoara

Vice President of Education: Traian BRUMĂ, delegate of OSE Bucharest

Professional Vice President: Alin ANDRIEŞ, delegated by ASTEC Iași

Vice President Programs: Vlad MOHORA, delegate of SiSC Bucharest

Image Vice President: Eliza-Tatiana DUNA, delegate of LSFETC Timișoara

Vice President of the Interior: Casian GIURGIU, delegate of LSTGM Târgu Mureș

Vice President of International Relations: Dinu GHERMAN, delegate of OSUBB Cluj-Napoca

Social Vice President: Matei STOICA, OSUT delegate 

November 29, 2002 - July 22, 2003

President - Andrei ROTARU, delegate of LSUEM

General secretary - Oana BOȘOI, delegated by AAAPE Bucharest

First Vice President - Adina CÎRTOG

Vice President of Education - Ciprian BACIU, OSUT delegate

Professional Vice President - Cătălin IVAN, delegated by ASTEC Iași

National Vice President - Dragoș POPA, delegate of LSTGM

Image Vice President - Dan TUȘALIU, delegate of OSACE Craiova

Social Vice President - Anghel FICU, delegated by ASTIP Iași

Vice President of Programs - Marius STICLARU, delegate of LSFET Timișoara

Vice President of International Relations - Laura BELU, delegate of SSE Craiova

Treasurer - Claudia BÂLC, delegate of SSE Cluj-Napoca

Ioana PĂTRU, delegate of CSE Sibiu
Mihai HROMEI, LSH delegate
Robert JIGORANU, delegate of LSE Iasi

March 3, 2001 - November 29, 2002

President - Dan DIACONU, delegate of the AC League

General secretary - Iliana ZAMFIRESCU, delegate of ASSP SNSPA Bucharest

Vice President Banat-Crișana - Marius STICLARU, delegate of LSFET Timișoara

Vice President Muntenia - Ionuț CROITORU, delegate of SSE Craiova

Vice President Moldova-Dobrogea - Adrian Ionuț CREȚU, SSSI delegate

Transylvanian Vice President - Marian POP, delegate of LSTGM

Treasurer - Mihai CHISS, delegated by LSFMA Timișoara

Cristian DELALAU, delegate of LSUPM Tîrgu Mureș
Oana POPESCU, delegate of ASSSUT

Dec 27, 1999 - March 3, 2001

President - Dan DIACONU, delegate of the AC League

General secretary - Ciprian DRAGOMIR, delegate of LSUPG

Vice President - Vladimir POROCH, delegate of SSMI

Vice President - Adina CÎRTOG, LSFET Delegate

Vice President - Remu ŞIPOȘ, delegate of LSTGM

Treasurer - Ionuț CROITORU, delegate of SSE Craiova

Claudia MOLDOVAN, delegate of SS “Petru-Maior” Cluj-Napoca
Ionut ENACHE, delegate of OCSFE Bucharest
Cristian MOȘNIANU, delegate of LSUOC

March 30, 1999 - December 27, 1999

President - Marian COSTACHE, SLS-UPB delegate

General secretary - Cosmin GRUESCU, delegate of LSFMT

Vice President - Dan DIACONU, delegate of Liga AC

Vice President - Dan ILCUȘ, delegate of LS “Historica” Sibiu

Vice President - Cristian MOȘNIANU, delegate of LSUOC

Vice President - Mihai OCNAȘU, delegate of SSUP

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