ANOSR Statute

ANOSR status


Chapter I

General dispositions

Article 1
1) This Statute regulates the organization and functioning of the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania, generically called "ANOSR".
2) ANOSR is a national student federation that brings together student organizations from Romania, established under Law no. 21/1924, impartial and independent.
3) ANOSR acts as an informational and decision-making interface between the local level represented by the member organizations and the national level, represented by the central actors of the Romanian educational environment, as well as between the national and international level.
4) According to Government Ordinance no. 26/2000, completed by Government Ordinance no. 37/2003, with the subsequent amendments and completions, ANOSR is constituted as a legal entity of private law without patrimonial purpose.
Article 2 ANOSR headquarters is Str. Calea Plevnei no. 61, Floor 1, room 12-13, Sector 1, Bucharest, postal code 010223.

Chapter II

Principles, purpose and objectives

Article 3
1. The principle of FREEDOM
As freedom is a fundamental right of the human being, ANOSR defends freedom of speech, freedom of association, free movement of persons and information, freedom of political, religious, etc. choices.
2. The principle of DEMOCRACY
ANOSR advocates for the defense of democracy, for ensuring the right of students to participate in the governance of the academic community and society as an integral part of it, the right to express and uphold their own principles and opinions, through democratic means. ANOSR supports the involvement of students as equal partners in the decision-making process, at local, national and international level.
ANOSR supports the legitimate representation of students, based on the constant knowledge and assessment of the real needs of students. ANOSR considers that the promoted policies must reflect the diversity of the Romanian student population. Moreover, ANOSR fights for the student population at all levels to reflect the diversity of the Romanian population.
4. The principle of OPENING
ANOSR promotes the widest possible access both at the level of the federation and at the level of student organizations in terms of economic and social differences, race, sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs, disabilities or any individual feature that may limit access.
5. The principle of TRANSPARENCY
ANOSR is based on transparency both in decisions and in the entire activity carried out.
6. The principle of INDEPENDENCE
ANOSR supports the independence of the student movement from any influence in representation and in the democratic decision-making process from the structures with which it interacts.
7. The principle of NON-PARTISANITY
ANOSR does not associate itself with any ideology or party policy, maintaining a responsible civic attitude and supporting the right of its members to their own ideological choices.
8. The principle of COMPETENCE
ANOSR considers that in the process of setting up and modifying the decision-making structures, and not only, the real skills, the authentic professional training and the moral conduct of those who are to occupy the respective positions must be taken into account.
9. The principle of LEGALITY
ANOSR supports the need to organize the life of society and, implicitly, of university life, in accordance with the laws of the country and in convergence with the ideas contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.
10. The principle of UNITY
ANOSR promotes the principle of unity in organization and action, this being the only way to ensure the support of the global interests of Romanian students, as well as the effective participation of students in solving problems specific to civil society.
11. The principle of NON-VIOLENCE
ANOSR rejects and condemns violent attitudes in support of the consistent promotion of dialogue, whatever the nature of the dispute or litigation.
12. The principle of CONTINUITY
ANOSR supports the principle of continuity as a guarantor of mutual support between current members and former members, in support of the joint effort to continuously promote the principles and activities of ANOSR, within the Romanian society.
Article 4 The main purpose of ANOSR is to represent the common interests of students in Romania, to defend and promote the rights and obligations of students and to stimulate their participation in the educational act and in social, economic and cultural life.
Article 5 ANOSR aims to achieve the following objectives:
1) the representation of all students in Romania, regardless of sex, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, political preference, economic condition or any form of discrimination within the meaning of Ordinance no. 137/2000, in relation to the central “actors” in the Romanian educational environment, through specific means: social, educational actions and youth projects;
2) promoting and defending the dignity and interests of students in Romania, developing autonomy and individualizing the mission of higher education institutions, participating in the development and improvement of the curriculum and higher education legislation in Romania through competent representatives, acting in defense of democratic freedoms and human rights;
3) organizing student protest actions in case of violation of the law or the interest of the university society and, in justified cases, urging the strike of staff employed in higher education in Romania;
4) mobilizing the resources of institutions, enterprises, national and international, governmental and private bodies for the realization of programs and projects addressed to students in Romania;
5) promoting and representing the interests of Romanian graduates and supporting them for integration into professional life;
6) promoting collaborative relationships with all similar organizations regardless of the geographical area in which they operate;
7) realization and support of socio-professional and free time projects and programs for students;
8) identifying, through consultations, the specific problems of Romanian students and involvement in solving them;
9) promoting policies that recognize the importance of the role and place of students in society.

Chapter III

ANOSR members

Article 6
1) The members of ANOSR are student organizations that assume the representation of students and professional student organizations in the country, with their own legal personality, which aligns with the principles of ANOSR.
2) By student organizations in the country, except for associate members, is meant organizations that have at least 75% of student members and aim to defend and promote the social, educational, civic and professional interests of students enrolled in higher education institutions in Romania and / or personal and professional development of students or the promotion of cultural, artistic or sporting values among students.
Article 7 Within ANOSR there are active members, candidate members, associate members, suspended members and founding members. Active members may have their voting rights suspended or self-suspended, thus becoming suspended members, in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Organization and Operation.
Article 8 The status of founding member is an honorary one, being granted to the student organizations that constituted the federation.

Obtaining candidate status 

Article 9
1) Any organization that meets the provisions of Art. 6 of this Statute may request the obtaining of the quality of ANOSR candidate member in the context of fulfilling the criteria enunciated by the Organization and Functioning Regulation.
2) Following the application for membership, the General Assembly decides by simple majority to admit the quality of candidate member of ANOSR.
3) In granting the status of candidate member, the criteria specified in the Organization and Functioning Regulation of ANOSR will be taken into account.

Obtaining voting membership (active member) 

Article 10
1) In order to change its status as a candidate member and become an active member, an organization must submit an application to change its status to the General Assembly of ANOSR. Following the submission of the application to the General Assembly (to which the requesting organization will delegate a representative with guest status), the admission procedures will be established, in accordance with the Rules of Organization and Functioning.
2) The following may be active members:
I. representative student organizations at the faculty level;
II. representative student organizations at university level;
III. student organizations representing Romanian minorities and ethnic students from abroad studying in Romania;
IV. student organizations representing international students;
V. legally constituted professional, cultural, sporting or artistic student organizations, which aim at the personal and professional development of students or the promotion of cultural, artistic or sporting values among students.

Obtaining the status of associate member

Art. 11. The granting of the quality of associate member is made by the General Assembly by simple majority, following the receipt of a request, in case a structure does not meet the conditions provided by the ANOSR Statute and the Organization and Functioning Regulation to be an active member or he doesn't want to.

Rights and obligations

Article 12 The active members of ANOSR are the voting members, represented in the General Assembly.

1) Active members have the following rights:

a) the right to actively participate in all meetings of the General Assembly of ANOSR (whether open or closed);
b) the right to vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR;
c) the right to propose, organize and participate in ANOSR projects;
d) the right to benefit from the material basis of ANOSR in order to carry out activities corresponding to the purpose and objectives of ANOSR;
e) the right to be informed monthly on the activities of ANOSR;
f) the right to withdraw from ANOSR; withdrawal from the federation may be made only after approval by the auditors or independent experts of a report on the financial year;
g) the right not to participate in ANOSR actions that are contrary to the Statutes and the own interests of the members;
h) the right to have a maximum of one delegated person for a position within the Management Office or within the Censors Commission at a given time;
i) the right to nominate candidates to the ANOSR commissions;
j) the right to delegate a member of another member organization of ANOSR (active, associate, candidate or suspended) or any student for the functions of the Management Office, guaranteeing for his / her activity;
k) the right to request by a written, reasoned request, addressed to the ANOSR Management Office, the postponement of the payment of the fee;

2) The active members have the following obligations:

a) the obligation to send a delegate to the General Assembly of ANOSR;
b) the obligation to respect the Statute and the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of ANOSR adopted by the General Assembly of ANOSR;
c) the obligation to respect the decisions of the Management Bureau and of the General Assembly;
d) the obligation to respond to the requests of the Management Office, within the term established by it;
e) the obligation to appoint a representative to act as a contact person between the local organization and ANOSR;
f) the obligation to support the documents and positions issued by ANOSR;
g) the obligation to have a proper conduct, in accordance with the strategy adopted by the General Assembly or the Management Office;
h) the obligation to act on behalf of ANOSR only having a mandate in this respect from the Management Bureau or the General Assembly;
i) the obligation to announce in writing the withdrawal from ANOSR;
j) the obligation not to be part of other active structures that assume the representation of students at official or declarative national level;
k) the obligation not to organize actions that endanger the actions or positions of ANOSR;
l) the obligation not to have any protocol or other form of collaboration with any political party;
m) the obligation that none of the members of their administration structures be part of political parties;
n) the obligation to inform in advance the Management Office about the actions in which they will participate as a member of ANOSR and in which it is possible to establish relations on behalf of the federation;
o) the obligation to pay the annual fee established by the General Assembly;
p) the obligation to take seriously the delegation of the persons present at the sessions of the General Assembly.
Article 13 Candidate members are organizations whose application for membership has been approved by the General Assembly of ANOSR.
Article 13.1. Suspended members are organizations whose active membership, candidate or associate status has been suspended.

1) Candidate members / suspended members have the following rights:

a) the right to actively participate in all meetings of the open General Assembly of ANOSR;
b) the right to participate in the closed meetings of the General Assembly, only with the prior consent of the General Assembly;
c) the right to propose and participate in ANOSR projects;
d) the right to benefit from the material base of ANOSR in view of activities corresponding to the purpose and objectives of ANOSR;
e) the right to be informed monthly on the activities of ANOSR;
f) the right to withdraw the application for membership of ANOSR, respectively to withdraw from ANOSR; Withdrawal from the federation may be made only after approval by auditors or independent experts of a report on the financial year;
g) the right not to participate in ANOSR actions that are contrary to the Statutes and the own interests of the members;

2) Candidate members / suspended members have the following obligations:

a) the obligation to send a delegate to the General Assembly of ANOSR;
b) the obligation to respect the Statute of ANOSR and the Regulation of Organization and Functioning adopted by the General Assembly of ANOSR;
c) the obligation to respect the decisions of the Management Bureau and of the General Assembly;
d) the obligation to respond to the requests of the Management Office, within the term established by it;
e) the obligation to have a collaborative attitude towards the documents and positions issued by ANOSR;
f) the obligation to appoint a delegate to act as a contact person between the local organization and ANOSR;
g) the obligation to have a proper conduct, in accordance with the adopted strategy;
h) the obligation to act on behalf of ANOSR only having a mandate in this respect from the Management Bureau or the General Assembly;
i) the obligation to announce in writing the withdrawal from ANOSR;
j) the obligation not to be part of other active structures that assume the representation of students at official or declarative national level;
k) the obligation not to organize actions that endanger the actions or positions of ANOSR;
l) the obligation not to have any protocol or other form of collaboration with any
political party;
m) the obligation that none of the members of their administration structures be part of political parties.
Article 14 Associate members of ANOSR are non-voting members who associate with public policy initiatives, positions and actions of ANOSR in order to achieve its purpose and objectives.

1) Associate members have the following rights:

a) the right to actively participate in all open meetings of the General Assembly and as an observer in the closed ones, if they receive the agreement of the General Assembly;
b) the right to propose and participate in ANOSR projects;
c) the right to have a collaborative attitude towards the documents and positions issued by ANOSR;
d) the right to benefit from the material base of ANOSR in view of activities corresponding to the purpose and objectives of ANOSR;
e) the right to be informed monthly on the activities of ANOSR;
f) the right to withdraw from ANOSR; withdrawal from the federation may be made only after approval by the auditors or independent experts of a report on the financial year;
g) the right not to participate in ANOSR actions that are contrary to the Statutes and its own interests.

2) The associate members have the following obligations:

a) the obligation to send a delegate to the General Assembly of ANOSR;
b) the obligation to respect the Statute of ANOSR and the Regulation of Organization and Functioning adopted by the General Assembly of ANOSR;
c) the obligation to respect the decisions of the Management Bureau and of the General Assembly;
d) the obligation to respond to the requests of the Management Office, within the term established by it;
e) the obligation to appoint a representative to act as a contact person between the local organization and ANOSR;
f) the obligation to have a proper conduct, in accordance with the strategy adopted by the General Assembly or the Management Bureau;
g) the obligation to act on behalf of ANOSR only having a mandate in this respect from the Management Bureau or the General Assembly;
h) the obligation to announce in writing the withdrawal from ANOSR;
i) the obligation not to be part of other active structures that assume the representation of students at official or declarative national level;
j) the obligation not to organize actions that endanger the actions or positions of ANOSR;
k) the obligation not to have any protocol or other written form of collaboration with any political party;
l) the obligation that none of the members of their administration structures be part of political parties;
m) the obligation to inform in advance the Management Office about the actions in which they will participate as a member of ANOSR and in which it is possible to establish relations on behalf of the federation.

Chapter IV

The organizational structure

Article 15 The management, administration and control bodies of ANOSR are:
a) The General Assembly;
b) Management Office;
c) The Censors Commission.

Section 1

General Assembly

Article 16 The General Assembly is the supreme governing forum, with a deliberative role, composed of all the voting members of ANOSR.
Article 17
1) The General Assembly has the following main attributions:
a) makes working decisions, by simple majority;
b) adopts or modifies the ANOSR Statute, with qualified majority;
c) adopts or modifies the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of ANOSR, with qualified majority;
d) approves the budget of revenues and expenditures and the balance sheet of ANOSR, with qualified majority;
e) elects or revokes the President of ANOSR, with an absolute majority;
f) elects or revokes the members of the Management Board, by positions, by simple majority;
g) elects or revokes the members of the Censors Commission, by simple majority;
h) approves the activity reports and the financial report, with a simple majority;
i) grants the quality of candidate member or associate member of ANOSR, with simple majority;
j) grants the quality of voting member (active) of ANOSR, with qualified majority;
k) decides on the sanctioning of ANOSR members, with a simple majority;
l) decides on the exclusion of ANOSR members, with qualified majority;
m) establishes the amount of the ANOSR members' contributions, with a simple majority;
n) decides the affiliation of ANOSR to the international student and youth forums and bodies, with a qualified majority;
o) approves and amends the positions and policies of ANOSR, with a simple majority;
p) establishes the ANOSR strategy on short or long term, with simple majority;
q) establishes the activity plan for the next year, with a simple majority;
r) dissolves ANOSR under the conditions of the present Statute and of the law, with an ultra-qualified majority.
2) The General Assembly fulfills other attributions that are within its competence, in view of the good functioning of ANOSR, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute and of the Organization and Functioning Regulation.
Article 18
1) The General Assembly meets twice a year in ordinary sessions or whenever necessary, in extraordinary sessions, at the request of the Management Bureau, the Audit Committee or at least one third of the members of ANOSR, motivating the extraordinary nature of the meeting. The convening of the General Assembly in ordinary sessions is made at least 20 calendar days before the date of the meeting, and in the case of extraordinary ones at least 7 calendar days before and includes the proposed agenda, time and place.
2) The session of the General Assembly is statutory in the presence of a quorum of half plus one of its active members, of which at least one organization with the right to vote, in the case of the first meeting. In the event of non-compliance with this quorum, the Management Office shall, within a maximum of 5 days, issue a new convocation for another session, which shall take place within a minimum of 24 hours and no later than 10 days after the date of the first session; this second session is convened by statute regardless of the number of those present.
3) Each active member of ANOSR is represented by a person - member in the Board of Directors of the respective association, according to the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations, delegated in writing by the member organization, having the right to sign, each representative having the right to vote from the respective organization, under the conditions provided by the Organization and Functioning Regulation of ANOSR.
In case the composition of the Board of Directors registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations does not correspond to the situation of the last minutes of the General Assembly of the association regarding the election of the composition of the Board of Directors, the president of the association registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations having the form of a privately signed document provided in Annex 30 to the Organization and Functioning Regulations of ANOSR exclusively a person mentioned as a member of the Board of Directors elected according to the above-mentioned minutes. Any other form of representation of the organization, regardless of the form of the mandate or the quality of the agent, is not recognized within the federation.
Each active member has the right to be represented in the General Assembly by one person with the right to vote.
4) In exceptional cases, duly justified by the convocation, if the ordinary or, as the case may be, extraordinary General Assembly cannot be physically organized for objective reasons such as the establishment of a state of emergency, a state of alert, a state of siege or another regulations which place a restriction on the movement within the country or the number of participants, it may be decided to organize the General Assembly by synchronous means of distance communication. The procedural manner of holding the General Assembly in this case will be established by the Board of Directors and communicated in due time to the General Assembly, after the convening of the convocation.
5) At the request of 1/3 of the number of active members, expressed within 5 calendar days from the receipt of the call, the fulfillment of the special conditions provided in par. (4) through official communication channels of the federation. The General Assembly, in the meeting held by the above means, will vote before the first item on the agenda communicated by the convener to meet the conditions for holding the General Assembly with a simple majority.
Article 19
1) The adoption of the working decisions within the General Assembly is done by simple majority.
2) The adoption or amendment of the Statute and the Organization and Functioning Regulations shall be decided by a qualified majority.
3) The dissolution of the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania is decided by an ultra-qualified majority.
Article 20 Other rules of organization and functioning of the General Assembly are provided in the Rules of Organization and Functioning.

The decision-making system in the ANOSR General Assembly

Article 21 The active members of ANOSR are representative student organizations at university level, representative student organizations at college level, representative student organizations of minorities, representative organizations of international students and representative student organizations of Romanian ethnic students from abroad, studying in Romania, as well as professional student organizations.
Article 22 The voting system in the General Assembly is as follows:
1) The representative student organizations at university level (or university center within a university, which does not fall into the situation of extensions) vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR with 6 votes if they simultaneously meet the following criteria:
I. They are legally constituted student organizations that operate legally, according to the ROF of ANOSR;
II. It assumes by its own statute the representation of students at university level;
III. They are formally recognized by the university forums as a student representative or are formally recognized by at least 50% of the students they represent according to their own status;
IV. They have legal delegates at least in consultative structures set up at university level, with or without the right to vote, or a permanent guest member, without the right to vote, in decision-making structures (University Senate or Board of Directors);
V. Organizes the election of representative students.
2) The representative student organizations at university level (or university center within a university, which does not fall into the situation of extensions) vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR with 7 votes if they simultaneously meet the following criteria:
I. Meet the criteria for 6 votes;
II. Prepares the report on compliance with the Code of Student Rights and Obligations at the university level;
III. At least half of the students representing members of the University Senate are members of the association;
IV. They have legal delegates at least in consultative structures set up at university level, with the right to vote, or a delegated member of law with the right to vote in decision-making structures (University Senate or Board of Directors).
3) The representative student organizations at faculty level vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR with a number of 2 votes if they simultaneously meet the following criteria:
I. They are legally constituted student organizations that operate legally, according to the ROF of ANOSR;
II. Assumes by its own statute the representation of students at the faculty level;
III. They are formally recognized by the university / faculty forums as student representatives or are formally recognized by at least 50% of the students they represent according to their own status;
IV. They have legal delegates at least in consultative structures set up at the faculty level, with or without the right to vote, or a permanent guest member, without the right to vote, in decision-making structures (Faculty Council or Council Bureau);
V. Organizes the election of student representatives at the faculty level.
4) Representative student organizations at the faculty level vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR with a number of 3 votes if they simultaneously meet the following criteria:
I. Meet the criteria for 2 votes;
II. Prepares the report on compliance with the Code of Student Rights and Obligations at the faculty level;
III. At least half of the student members representing the Faculty Council are members of the association;
IV. They have legal delegates at least in consultative structures set up at the faculty level, with the right to vote, or delegated with voting rights in decision-making structures (Faculty Council or Council Bureau).
5) Student organizations representing minorities, international students and Romanian ethnic students from abroad studying in Romania, student organizations representative at the departmental level, as well as any other organization that assumes student representation and does not fall under para. 1) or para. 2) votes in the General Assembly of ANOSR with 2 votes, if it respects the criteria from par. 1) or para. 3) at least at the level of a university / faculty / department, if they prove by their own statute that they aim to represent these categories of students.
6) The professional student organizations vote in the General Assembly of ANOSR with:
a) 2 votes, if the number of beneficiaries of projects carried out in the previous calendar year is higher than the average number of beneficiaries of projects carried out in the previous calendar year by all professional organizations members of ANOSR, with the right to vote;
b) 1 vote, if the number of beneficiaries of projects carried out in the previous calendar year is less than the average number of beneficiaries of projects carried out in the previous calendar year by all professional organizations members of ANOSR, with the right to vote;
if they prove by their own statute that they are aimed at the personal and professional development of students or the promotion of cultural, artistic or sporting values among students.
7) The fulfillment of the criteria is done by submitting to the ANOSR Secretariat the ascertaining documents, as the case may be, as follows:
I. Legal and accounting documents of the organization;
II. The status of the organization from which to assume the representation, the level of representation, respectively the purpose of personal and professional development of students or the promotion of cultural, artistic or sports values among students;
III. The official document of the university / faculty by which the organization is recognized as a student representative or supporting documents demonstrating the formal recognition of at least 50% of the students it represents according to its own statute;
IV. The official document certifying that the organization delegates members of law at least in consultative structures set up at university / faculty level or permanent guest member in decision-making structures, with or without the right to vote;
V. The official document from which it results that it organizes the elections;
VI. The report regarding the observance of the Code of Rights and Obligations of the Student specific to the level of representation, together with the proof of its registration at the university / faculty registry;
ARE YOU COMING. Proof of membership of at least half of the number of representative students at university / faculty level;
VIII. At least one of the above-mentioned official documents must refer by name to the student organization whose voting rights are being considered.
8) The validation of the fulfillment of the criteria is done by a commission established by the General Assembly, at each meeting of the ANOSR General Assembly, according to the ROF of ANOSR.
9) If a representative organization at university level does not meet all the criteria specific to this level at the same time, it will have a number of 3 votes as long as it does not send the documents to the Commission for granting the number of votes.
10) If a representative organization at the faculty level does not meet all the criteria specific to that level at the same time, it will have 1 vote as long as it does not send the documents to the Commission for granting the number of votes.
11) If a representative organization according to par. 5) does not meet all the criteria specific to this level at the same time, it will have 1 vote as long as it does not send the documents to the Commission for granting the number of votes.
12) Any active member of ANOSR may request the delegation of a Study Visit Commission to another active member in order to ascertain the de facto fulfillment of the criteria specific to the level of representation. This delegation shall be decided by the General Assembly by a simple majority.

Section 2

Management office

Article 23
1) The Management Office is the management structure of ANOSR, composed of 12 persons, with distinct attributions, elected by the General Assembly, as follows:
• President
• General secretary
• Vice President of Education
• Vice President of Education
• Vice President of Education
• Vice President of Youth
• Vice President of Internal Affairs
• Vice President of Organizational Development
• Vice President of International Relations
• Vice President of Public Relations
• Vice President of Projects
• Vice President of Finance
2) Elections for the Management Office shall be made by office, in the following order: President, Secretary-General, Vice-Presidents.
3) The term of office of the Management Office is one year.
4) All members of the Management Board must have the status of student during the term of office or for a period of three months before the end of the term or after the beginning of the term.
5) The President, the Secretary-General and the Vice-Presidents of the Bureau may not be members of a political party or in a youth organization of a political party, may not hold leadership positions at any level within a political party or a youth organization of a political party and cannot even take political positions in public. They also cannot be employees of a university and cannot be president of a member NGO for more than one month from the beginning of their term.
Article 24 The Management Office has the following main responsibilities:
a) coordinates the activity of ANOSR between two meetings of the General Assembly;
b) pursues the implementation of all decisions adopted by the General Assembly, adopting working decisions in this regard, by simple majority;
c) adopts and implements the plan of activities in accordance with the strategy adopted by the General Assembly of ANOSR;
d) proposes for adoption or modification the ANOSR Statute or the Organization and Functioning Regulation;
e) proposes to the General Assembly the exclusion of ANOSR members;
f) approves the draft budget of revenues and expenditures and the balance sheet of ANOSR;
g) decides the association of ANOSR with other natural or legal persons, with qualified majority;
h) approves the establishment of ANOSR representation structures in the country or abroad, in accordance with the law;
i) convenes the ordinary or extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly and proposes their agenda;
j) delegates representatives for various ANOSR actions;
k) establishes and adopts the ANOSR position towards various events;
l) has the obligation to consult all the active members of ANOSR in the decisions regarding the protest actions;
m) may suspend members of ANOSR, until the next meeting of the General Assembly, in very serious cases in which it is found that it violates this Statute and the ROF of ANOSR, with a qualified majority of votes;
n) may suspend any member of the Management Board, by qualified majority, until the next meeting of the General Assembly;
o) may decide by an absolute majority of an interim member in case one of its members announces his resignation from the Management Office, on the basis of a candidacy;
𝑜) 1 may decide by an absolute majority an interim, if it enters
two formal meetings of the General Assembly there are vacancies, based on candidacy;
p) represents ANOSR in relation to third parties;
q) reports the activity to the General Assembly;
r) may decide by a simple majority to change the registered office of ANOSR;
s) performs other tasks arising from the decisions of the General Assembly or from the provisions of the Rules of Organization and Functioning.
Article 24.1. Duties of the members of the Management Board:
1) Duties of the President of ANOSR:
a) conducts, as a rule, the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Management Bureau;
b) signs and stamps the documents, press releases, positions adopted on various issues, issued by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors;
c) convenes the Management Office whenever it deems necessary.
d) is the legal representative of the federation and represents the federation in relation to third parties;
e) manages the bank account of the federation.
2) Duties of the Secretary General of ANOSR:
a) Writes the minutes and other working documents of ANOSR;
b) Responsible for the activity of registry and secretariat of ANOSR;
c) Notes the fulfillment of the formalities for the conduct of the formal meetings of the General Assembly, respectively of the Management Bureau, as well as verifies the delegations and acts of the delegates of the member organizations of ANOSR;
d) Informs the General Assembly on a monthly basis of the decisions taken by the Management Office and its activity.
3) Duties of the Vice-Presidents:
a) meet within the Management Office whenever necessary;
b) ensures the flow of information between the Management Office and the member organizations;
c) are responsible for the managed portfolio and for the implementation of the strategy adopted by the General Assembly.
Article 25
1) The Management Board shall meet quarterly in ordinary meetings or whenever necessary, in extraordinary meetings, at the request of the President of ANOSR, the Audit Committee or any member of the Management Office - with the agreement of a simple majority. The convening of the Management Office in ordinary meetings is made at least 7 calendar days before the date of the meeting, and in the case of extraordinary ones at least 3 calendar days before and includes the proposed agenda, time and place.
2) The meeting of the Management Board is statutory in the presence of 2/3 of its total members in office. If this quorum is not met, the President of ANOSR has the obligation to make within a maximum of 5 days a new convocation for another meeting, which will take place in a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 14 days from the date of the first meeting; this second meeting is a statutory meeting regardless of the number of those present.
Article 26
1) Within the Management Board, all members shall have equal voting rights.
2) The working decisions of the Management Office shall be taken by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.
Article 27 Other rules on the operation and organization of the Management Office are set out in the ROF.

Section 3

Committee of Censors

Article 28
1) The Censors Commission consists of 1-3 persons, in odd numbers, according to the decision of the General Assembly.
2) The members of the Audit Committee may not be members of the Management Board.
3) The Censors Commission has the following main attributions:
a) verifies, at least once a year, the manner in which the patrimony of ANOSR is administered;
b) prepares annual reports or whenever necessary and presents them to the General Assembly;
c) provides clarifications, at the request of ANOSR members, regarding the interpretation of official ANOSR documents, both during and between the meetings of the ANOSR General Assembly;
d) receives and analyzes notifications of ANOSR members regarding the violation of official ANOSR documents by ANOSR Management Bureau members and offers a response within 30 days, which will be presented at the next meeting of the ANOSR General Assembly ;
e) fulfills any other attributions provided in the Statute or established by the General Assembly.
4) The Audit Committee meets every six months or whenever deemed necessary.
5) The members of the Board of Auditors participate by right in the meetings of the Management Board, without having the right to vote.
6) Other rules on the organization and functioning of the Audit Committee are set out in the Rules of Organization and Operation.

Chapter V


Article 29 A member of ANOSR may be excluded on the basis of a decision of the General Assembly, adopted by a qualified majority. An excluded ANOSR member may submit a new application for membership at least one year after the date of exclusion.
Article 30 The voting right of an active member is lost due to non-payment of dues, non-compliance with the Statutes and Rules of Organization and Functioning of ANOSR, due to failure to submit the balance sheet for the previous calendar year or due to non-involvement in ANOSR activities, by General Assembly decision.
Article 31 The quality of member of the General Assembly ceases by right in case of withdrawal or in case it is ascertained the affiliation to another student structure that assumes the representation at official or declarative national level.
Article 32
1) The quality of member of the Management Bureau terminates by right, before term, in case of resignation, revocation, affiliation to a political party, conviction of a criminal nature deprived of liberty by a final court decision.
2) A member of the Management Board may be revoked by a decision of the General Assembly adopted by a simple majority, in case of moral or material damage to ANOSR. Pending the meeting of the General Assembly at which the revocation proposal is being debated, the members of the Management Board may decide to suspend the term of office of the person concerned, by qualified majority. During the suspension of a member of the Management Board, the quorum required for the first meeting of the Management Board to be statutory shall be related to the number of members in office.

Chapter VI

ANOSR patrimony

Article 33
1) The patrimony of ANOSR consists of:
a) the initial contribution of its members (initial patrimony);
b) goods acquired during its operation;
c) incomes realized under the conditions of the law and of the present Statute.
2) ANOSR revenues come from:
a) the contributions of the active members;
b) interest and dividends resulting from the placement of available amounts, under legal conditions;
c) dividends of companies established by ANOSR;
d) income from direct economic activities;
e) donations, sponsorships or bequests;
f) resources obtained from the local budgets, of the county / regional authorities, the state budget or the budget of the European Union;
g) other incomes provided by law.
3) The patrimony of ANOSR is administered by the Management Office, according to the provisions of the present Statute and the legal provisions.

Chapter VII

Dissolution and liquidation

Article 34 ANOSR can be dissolved:
a) d Article 34 it is true, according to the law;
b) by the decision of the competent court, according to the law;
c) by the decision of the General Assembly, adopted by an ultra-qualified majority.
Article 35
1) The liquidation of the ANOSR patrimony will be done under the conditions provided by law.
2) The patrimony remaining after the liquidation will be transmitted, free of charge, equally, to the members

Chapter VIII

Transitional and final provisions

Article 36
1) By a simple majority, for the purposes of these Statutes, the affirmative vote of more than half of the valid votes cast means
(2) An absolute majority, for the purposes of these Statutes, means the favorable vote of more than half of the total number of votes of the active members.
(3) A qualified majority, for the purposes of these Statutes, means a favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the number of valid votes cast.
4) An ultra-qualified majority within the meaning of these Statutes means a favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the votes of the active members.
Article 37 ANOSR members may not unilaterally use its name or insignia or represent ANOSR without the approval of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly.
Article 38
1) The Rules of Organization and Operation shall be adopted by the General Assembly and may be amended whenever the General Assembly approves it by a qualified majority.
2) The Organization and Functioning Regulations supplement the provisions of this Statute with other specific rules of organization and operation.
Article 39 This Statute is completed with the legal provisions in force.
Article 40 This Statute is 29 pages long.
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