We are ANOSR!

Current context

The National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR) is the first and most important student federation, non-governmental and non-partisan. Încă de la înființarea sa, ANOSR a reunit cele mai multe organizații studențești cu tradiție, înființate imediat după revoluție, împreună constituind o echipă bazată pe principii și profesionalism. Această reprezentativitate ne este recunoscută și susținută de organizații importante din societatea civilă, mass-media, de comunitatea academică și importanți actori centrali precum Ministerul Educației.

În prezent, ANOSR numără 125 de organizații studențești din 19 centre universitare și 31 de universități din România.

Short history

ANOSR it has its roots in student social movements since the fall of 1995, when student leaders felt a lack of central and effective coordination. Thus, on April 4, 1999, in Timișoara, on the occasion of the International Student Week, the General Constituent Assembly takes place, attended by 28 student organizations from all over the country.

ANOSR passed at the end of the year 1999 through a real baptism of "fire" due to the wide social movements in the waves, at which point we proved that we are able to represent and mobilize tens of thousands of students on the streets of more than 70% from Romanian university centers.

ANOSR acquired its legal personality only in April 2000 by a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, in the context of an obvious opposition of the government of that time. It becomes so the first national student federation in Romania.

ANOSR received in October 2002 full membership of European Student Forum (ESU), becoming the first and only student federation in Romania recognized and represented at European level.

Purpose and Objectives of ANOSR

ANOSR is oriented towards representation and promotion the interests of Romanian students in terms of education, social, economic and cultural, both at the level national, and also international. We are first and foremost a communication platform between member organizations, in order to facilitate partnerships and the exchange of resources between student organizations.

ANOSR are ca obiective principale reprezentarea intereselor comune ale studenților, ale membrilor săi, formarea de lideri la nivel național și internațional, precum și promovarea acestora în societate. În relația cu organizațiile membre ne bazăm pe principiile transparency and non-partisanship, making it easy for anyone to access representative and apolitical student structures, at our initiative. We support their involvement in decision-making at all levels.

ANOSR gets involved in developing national and international education and youth policies, formulating and supporting the position of students, providing support to member organizations in the effective implementation of these policies at the local level.

ANOSR advocates for a non-demagogic, non-partisan style of work, based on facts, relevant documents and quality standards, as well as real proposals from both dialogue partners to address the issues raised in the reform process.

ANOSR achievements

- Carrying out the largest national student study (20,000 students - in 2011) and the record petition "Students for the future of Romania!" (over 10,000 physical signatures - in 2013);
- Facilitating the first internal mobility of students;
- Conducting the first debates in Romania on Quality in Education and the Bologna Process;
- 6% campaign for education (Nearly 10,000 students across the country protested in the streets, advocating for the importance of funding the education system);
- Evaluation of student teachers is mandatory by law;
- The principle of student-centered education included in the National Education Law;
- Study contracts cannot be changed during the year;
- Study documents (certificates, notebooks, IDs, diplomas) is released free of charge;
- Universities must provide internships for at least 30% students;
- Establishment of Career Counseling and Guidance Centers in universities, free vocational and psychological counseling and at least 1 counselor per 2000 students;
- Minimum amount of scholarships at national level (currently - 580 lei / month);
- Prohibition to make a profit or to collect working capital in dormitories in Romania;
- Representing students in different structures, such as in the Board of Directors of universities;
- Introduction of quality criteria (number of accommodation places in the dormitory, contribution to the scholarship fund) in additional funding for universities;
- Increasing the scholarship allowance, after a stagnation of more than 6 years, with 191.3% in 2017 and their granting during the holidays;
- Obtaining free domestic rail transport for all students enrolled in a form of full-time education in Romania;
- Increase of the dormitory-canteen subsidy by over 60% in 2021, compared to 2016;
- Increasing the total number of camp places from 6,000 to 10,000 (2018);
- Over 60 amendments made and integrated in the initial draft of the National Education Law;
- The only legitimate representative of Romanian students at European and global level;
- The first programmatic documents regarding the Student Movement and its role in society;
- The only national information and awareness campaigns on student rights ("What hurts?") and higher education reforms ("Bologna University Week").

ANOSR structure

1. General Assembly - 125 organizații membre

2. Management Office:
- President
- Vicepreședinte executiv
- Secretar general
- Vicepreședinte educațional
- Vicepreședinte educațional
- Vicepreședinte educațional
- Vicepreședinte educațional
- Vicepreședinte relații interne
- Vicepreședinte dezvoltare organizațională
- Vicepreședinte dezvoltare organizațională
- Vicepreședinte relații internaționale
- Vicepreședinte relații publice
- Vicepreședinte proiecte

3. Censors Commission

4. Support commissions by fields of activity:
- Education Commission (Edu)
- Commission for Organizational Development (CDO)
- Commission for Regional Development (CDR)
- Public Relations Commission (CRP)
- Commission for Projects and Fundraising (CPAF)

We are waiting for you to join the ANOSR team!

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