Positions and policies

Positions, legislative and policy proposals
2024 – Amendamentele ANOSR la proiectul Ghidului Solicitantului „Primul student din familie”
2024 – Amendamentele ANOSR privind Metodologia de evaluare externă a calității educației
2024 – Propunerile ANOSR cu privire la modificarea Legii învățământului superior nr. 199/2023
2024 – Propunerile cu privire la modificarea Hotărârii de Guvern nr. 970/2023
2024 – Propunerile ANOSR pentru Formularul nr. 6 (FORMULAR DE EVALUARE TEHNICĂ ȘI FINANCIARĂ)
- 2023 – Amendamentele ANOSR cu privire la proiectul Legii Învățământului Superior
- 2023 – Amendamentele ANOSR cu privire la Regulamentul de organizare și funcționare a Comisiei Naționale pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior
- 2023 – Amendamentele ANOSR pentru proiectul de ordin privind aprobarea criteriilor generale de acordare a burselor și a altor forme de sprijin financiar de la bugetul de stat pentru studenții și cursanții din învățământul superior de stat, învățământ cu frecvență
- 2023 – Amendamentele ANOSR la Regulamentul-cadru privind studiile universitare de doctorat
- 2023 – Propunerea ANOSR privind Codul drepturilor și obligațiilor studentului
- 2023 – Propunerile ANOSR pentru introducerea unor coeficienți de echivalare suplimentari folosiți pentru finanțarea studenților înmatriculați într-un program de studii de licență sau de masterat
- 2023 – Amendamentele ANOSR la metodologia privind Concursul Național de Proiecte de Tineret și Studenți
- 2023 – Memoriu cu privire la proiectul de hotărâre a Guvernului privind modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 22/2022 privind organizarea și funcționarea MFTEȘ
- 2022 - ANOSR proposals on the development of the European Education Area and its effective implementation in Romania
- 2022 - ANOSR and FNT proposal for the European Year of Youth in Romania
- 2022 - ANOSR Amendments to the Framework Methodology for Organizing and Conducting Bachelor's / Diploma and Dissertation Exams
- 2022 - ANOSR amendments to the Framework Methodology on the organization of admission to undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies
- 2022 - ANOSR amendments to the Draft Order for the modification of some normative acts regarding the university documents
- 2021 - ANOSR position on microcertifications
- 2021 - ANOSR petition requesting the organization of the National Program "Student Camps" (PNTS) in 2021
- 2021 - CTR, ANOSR and FNT proposals addressed to the Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities regarding the material youth base of youth and students
- 2021 - ANOSR proposals regarding the draft Operational Program Education and Employment 2021-2017
- 2021 - ANOSR request regarding the publication of the protocol concluded between the National Health Insurance House and the Ministry of Education and Research for providing data on students, in order to eliminate the obligation for students to submit any certificate to the Health Insurance House to prove the quality of insured
- 2021 - ANOSR requests regarding the budgetary rectification in the field of higher education in order to update the amount allocated for the establishment of the student scholarship fund
- 2021 - ANOSR request on the official interpretation of GD 341/2021 on how the new provisions apply to the categories of students concerned
- 2021 - ANOSR's position and proposals on the Plan for the implementation of the "Educated Romania" project in the field of higher education
- 2021 - Proposed aggregate indicator for piloting IC.4.6. The level of digitalization of universities
- 2021 - Requests from the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania regarding the manner in which the preliminary distribution of the tuition fee in 2018-2019 was achieved
- 2021 - ANOSR proposal for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments to the Implementation Plan of the National Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2027
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments regarding the Framework Regulation for the organization and functioning of the student culture houses and of the “Tei” Student Sports Cultural Complex
- 2021 - ANOSR Amendments to the Draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports on the approval of the Methodology for the Local Competition for Youth Projects
- 2021 - ANOSR Amendments to the Draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports on the approval of the Methodology for the National Competition for Youth Projects / National Competition for Student Projects
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments to the draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports for the approval of the Methodology regarding the organization of student camps
- 2021 - ANOSR proposals for amending the draft Emergency Ordinance for amending and supplementing the National Education Law no. 1/2011, of Law no. 269/2004 on the granting of financial aid to stimulate the purchase of computers and on the establishment of measures for the proper functioning of the education system
- 2021 – Amendamentele ANOSR cu privire la Ghidul privind instituirea de măsuri sanitare și de protecție în instituțiile de învățământ superior în perioada pandemiei de COVID-19 – varianta II
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments to the PL-x Bill no. 716/2018 on the “Youth Law” in the form subject to the adoption of the Chamber of Deputies
- 2021 - ANOSR Amendments to the Allocations for the Allocation of Budget Allocations for 2021 on the Financing of Higher Education
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments regarding the Draft Order of the Minister of Education regarding the verification of the observance of the university ethics and deontology in the elaboration of the doctoral theses from 1990-2016
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments regarding the Draft EMERGENCY ORDINANCE regarding the amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions
- 2021 - ANOSR Amendments to the Draft Government Emergency Ordinance to amend and supplement Law no. 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and employment stimulation and Law no. 416/2001 regarding the guaranteed minimum income
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments to the Draft Decision on approving the methodology for elaboration, implementation and monitoring of government strategies at national level
- 2021 - ANOSR amendments to the Draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports to amend the Annex to the Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports no. 610 / 09.06.2020, regarding the approval of the Methodology for organizing the actions of the students' culture houses and of the Tei Student Cultural Sports Complex
- 2021 - ANOSR Amendments to the Draft Law on the Establishment of Decentralization of Competencies in the Fields of Youth and Sports
- 2021 - Student proposals for the State Budget Law 2021
- 2021 - ANOSR proposals for operationalizing the priorities established with the Minister of Education
- 2021 - ANOSR proposals for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
- 2020 - The request of the National Alliance of Student Organizations from Romania addressed regarding the initiation of the steps for granting the voting right to the students within the Boards of Directors of CCS and CCSS “Tei”.
- 2020 - ANOSR Amendments to the Draft Decision on approving the methodology for developing, implementing and monitoring government strategies at the national level
- 2020 - ANOSR amendments to the Draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports to amend the Annex to the Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports no. 610 / 09.06.2020, regarding the approval of the Methodology for organizing the actions of the students' culture houses and of the Tei Student Cultural Sports Complex
- 2020 - ANOSR amendments to the Framework Methodology on the organization of admission to undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies
- 2020 - ANOSR's position on the "Invest in You" Program - State-Guaranteed Interest-Free Loans
- 2020 - Proposal to promote the principles and development of educational resources in the field of sustainable development
- 2020 - ANOSR amendments regarding the Framework Regulation for the organization and functioning of the student culture houses and of the “Tei” Student Sports Cultural Complex
- 2020 - ANOSR amendments to the Draft Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports to amend the Annex to the Order of the Minister of Youth and Sports no. 610 / 09.06.2020, regarding the approval of the Methodology for organizing the actions of the students' culture houses and of the Tei Student Cultural Sports Complex
- 2020 - ANOSR amendments to the Framework Methodology on the organization of admission to undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies
- 2020 - ANOSR Amendments to the Framework Methodology for Organizing and Conducting Bachelor's / Diploma and Dissertation Exams
- 2020 - ANOSR proposals on the Strategy on digitization of education in Romania 2021 - 2027. Digitization of education - Real assumption, not slogan!
- 2020 - ANOSR proposals for amending the Methodological Norms for application Legii nr. 269/2004 privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar în vederea stimulării achiziționării de calculatoare – digitalizare pe hârtie
- 2021 - ANOSR position and amendments on the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2027
- 2020 - ANSR's position on the steps taken to implement the National Research Pact proposed by the Ad Astra Association
2018 - ANOSR position on the referendum for the revision of the Romanian Constitution
2018 - ANOSR amendments to the Youth Law (December 2017 version) (form proposed by the initiator)
- 2018 - The requests of the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania regarding the way in which the preliminary distribution of the tuition figure in 2018-2019 was made
2017 - ANOSR considerations regarding the student entrepreneurial environment
2017 - ANOSR Proposals for the Draft Government Decision for approval Methodological norms regarding the granting of internal rail and metro transport facilities for pupils and students - for the version published in the public consultation
2017 - ANOSR Proposals for the Draft Government Decision for approval Methodological norms regarding the granting of internal rail and metro transport facilities for pupils and students - for variant 1, received from the Government of Romania
2017 - ANOSR proposals for the government plan in the field of higher education