Publications, reports and analyzes

Publications, reports and analyzes
- 2022 – Raportul Național privind respectarea prevederilor Codului Drepturilor și Obligațiilor Studentului pentru anului universitar 2021-2022
- 2021 - National report on compliance with the "Code of Student Rights and Obligations in State Higher Education Institutions in the Country", for the academic year 2020 - 2021
- 2021 - ANOSR report on the implementation of the national program ,,Student camps”
- 2021 - Analysis of the implementation of ANOSR proposals within the Strategy on digitization of education in Romania 2021-2027 - SMART-Edu
- 2021 - Activity report
- 2020 - ANOSR 2020 activity report
- 2020 - National report on compliance with the “Code of Student Rights and Obligations in State Higher Education Institutions in the Country”, for the academic year 2019 - 2020 (December)
- 2020 - ANOSR Analysis on the Government Program (December)
- 2020 - Study - "Increasing the minimum amount of scholarships - a necessary equity policy in higher education" (December)
- 2020 - Online education through the eyes of students. ANOSR Recommendations (October)
- 2020 - Report on online education through the eyes of students. ANOSR recommendations. (October)
- 2020 - Student solutions for a resilient higher education system in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic (July)
- 2020 - Admission to higher education - disconnected from current realities
- 2020 - ANOSR Report on the implementation of the national program "Student Camps" (January)
- 2019 - Student Status (Code of Student Rights and Obligations)
- 2019 - Student participation in the election of the rector - Increasing the share to 25% of the total electorate
- 2019 - National report on compliance with the provisions of the Code of Student Rights and Obligations 2017-2018
- 2019 - Recommendations for the higher education legislative framework
- 2019 - Recommendations for the higher education legislative framework - the synthesized version
- 2019 - ANOSR analysis regarding the unjustification of taxes levied in Romanian higher education
- 2019 - Analysis of the regulations and methodologies for awarding scholarships and other material facilities granted to state higher education students in Romania
- 2019 - ANOSR activity report
- 2017 - National report on compliance with the provisions Code of student rights and obligations
- 2017 - First year of government - an analysis of meeting students' priorities (2017-2018)
- 2017 - ANOSR activity report
- 2017 - Synthesis of the norms that regulate the granting of scholarships for Romanian ethnics everywhere
- 2016 - ANOSR activity retrospective - academic year 2015-2016
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme Financing higher education in Romania - how much money is needed, for what and how should it be distributed? - March 25, 2016, West University of Timisoara
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme Culture, evaluation and quality assurance in higher education - how do we streamline these processes and what is the role of students in their implementation? - April 8, 2016, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme Student rights - how do we strengthen student status in the education system? - April 18, 2016, Astra Library from Sibiu
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme The social dimension of education - how do we make higher education accessible to all walks of life and how do we adapt to demographic challenges? - April 26, 2016, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme The international dimension of the higher education system - what can we do to make it more visible in the European Higher Education Area? - May 18, 2016, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
- 2016 - Report following the debate Bologna in Universities with the theme Student-centered education - how do we adapt the teaching-learning process to the needs of today's society? - June 4, 2016, "December 1, 1918" University of Alba Iulia - debate at the Bologna Professor's Gala
- 2016 - Analysis of the legislation governing the granting of discounts for students for travel by internal rail transport
- 2016 - ANOSR Report on the implementation of the National Program "Student Camps" 2015
- 2016 - Report following the ANOSR Camp for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, 2015 edition
- 2016 - “Copy-paste” universities: the phenomenon of plagiarism and academic imposture in Romanian higher education - students' perspective - version 2, revised, supplemented and added on 6 June 2016
- 2014 - Manifesto for education in Romanian - ESU campaign "Vote for education"
- 2014 - ANOSR perspective on the scholarship award system
- 2014 - National Report on the implementation of the Student Statute, 2013 - ANOSR
- 2014 - ANOSR Retrospective
- 2014 - Career Counseling and Guidance Services - Student Perspective
- 2014 - Free education fees
- 2013 - ANOSR's position on the Electoral Law
- 2013 - ANOSR's position on the Implementation of the Student Statute
- 2013 - ANOSR position on the Management of Social Services (Ministry of National Education)
- 2013 - ANOSR position regarding_OUG92, annex ARACIS vs CNATDCU
- 2013 - ANOSR position on_OUG92
- 2013 - Declaration of the SE Federations of Europe
- 2013 - 20 solutions for clean universities
- 2013 - Report on the Social Dimension of Education - Student Support Services
- 2013 - General activity report ANOSR 2012-2013
- 2013 - ANOSR report on the implementation of the 2012 camps
- 2013 - Study - "Responsibility for Education!" - the effects of underfunding education
- 2013 - Study Implementation of the Bologna Process in universities - students' perspective
- 2011 - Study Equity in education - The situation of student dormitories in Romania
- 2011 - Arguments for student participation in the election of the rector
- 2011 - The proposals of ANOSR_Law of Volunteering
- 2011 - ANOSR proposals on the Youth Law
- 2011 - ANOSR's position on student camps
- 2011 - ANOSR Policy in the Social Dimension of Education
- 2011 - Financing Conference
- 2011 - Study - The situation of student mobility in Romania
- 2011 - ANOSR study on the Social Status of the Romanian Student
- 2011 - Study - Quality Assurance - the perception of ARACIS evaluation students
- 2011 - Study - The social needs of Romanian students 2011
- 2010 - ANOSR position on the development of rankings and rankings of Romanian Universities
- 2010 - ANOSR position on bank loans for students
- 2010 - ANOSR's position on student mobility
- 2010 - Joint Declaration of Student Organizations
- 2010 - ANOSR position 25%
- 2010 - ANOSR's position on the education law
- 2010 - ANOSR position on the draft National Education Law (LEN)
- 2010 - ANOSR position - University Police
- 2010 - ANOSR's position on the Education Law
- 2010 - Quality Assurance in Higher Education - Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area
- 2010 - Guide to EQUITY - what is the contribution of student organizations to equal opportunities in higher education (Ro) _ESU
- 2009 - ANOSR's position on illegally operating schools
- 2009 - ANOSR proposals regarding the Single Matriculation Register (RMU)
- 2009 - ANOS position on the IC16 indicator
- 2009 - ANOSR position opposite by the salary increases of the teachers
- 2009 - ANOSR's position regarding Ministerial Order 53562009
- 2009 - ANOSR's position on the Leuven Communiqué
- 2009 - Dictionary of ANOSR terms
- 2009 - Report on the implementation of the Bologna Process in Romania, Students' Perspective
- 2009 - Study "The daily basket" necessary for the survival of a student in Romania
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on the LIS project
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on private scholarships and paid internships for students
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on student camps
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on the national strategy on education
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on the issue of student practice
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on student scholarships
- 2008 - ANOSR's position on ARACIS for EUA
- 2008 - ANOSR position Educational issues at the end of cycles
- 2008 - ANOSR position regarding the individual accommodation subsidy
- 2008 - Social problems of Romanian students
- 2008 - Legislative Summary