History of student protests since 2003

October 22 - November 15, 2003
ANOSR protests for greater investment in education
(minimum 5% of GDP) and increasing the quality of education
a) Increasing the fund for scholarships so that they cover 25% of university students and cover meal and accommodation expenses, annual indexation of scholarships with real inflation;
b) Reduction of 50% for CFR transport and local public transport;
c) 50% discounts on shows and exhibitions hosted by state institutions;
d) Increase of the subsidy for the students budgeted with 50% compared to the previous year (increase of the basic financing);
e) Reduction of dormitory utilities;
f) Redistribution of the amount allocated to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the death of Stephen the Great to student scholarships and grants;
g) Legislative measures of the Ministry of Education through which economic agents should be encouraged to grant private scholarships and loans to students, but also to offer more internships;
h) Establishing the number of places in universities based on a study of supply and demand in the labor market;
i) Involvement of students in the decision-making process (inclusion of ANOSR representatives in the process of drafting the Education Law and inclusion in the development of educational policies in general), as well as in the quality assurance process;
j) Considering the quality assurance process a priority in reforming the education system;
k) Flexibility of educational paths by introducing a larger number of optional courses;
l) Invigoration of the project Calistro.
October 20
The first student negotiation for the Ministry of Education.
Students' wishes are not respected!
22 October
In Timișoara, Iași, Constanța and Galați, students block classes and organize street protests.
A general strike is declared!
October 23
The "funeral service of Romanian education" is organized in 17 university centers.
October 30
USR member student organizations are abandoning the protest actions following the signing of a collaboration protocol between USR and the Ministry of Education.
ANOSR continues the street movements!
October 31
Bucharest and Suceava join ANOSR street protests!
November 1st
The European Students 'Organization submits a memorandum to the Romanian Government accusing the Government of not taking the students' requirements seriously.
November 11th
The general strike resumes, the students take to the streets again, this time with the teachers. Main claim and message sent:
5% of GDP for education!
ANOSR threatens unprecedented form of protest: walk to Brussels to seek European Parliament support
November 15th
ANOSR President Cristi Dumitru participates in the General Assembly of the European Students' Organization where he presents the problems of Romanian students
At the national level, the main result was to obtain, starting with January 2004, the coupons for coupons with 24 free trips to CFR!