History of student protests

Protests, claims and achievements of ANOSR
17 November 2011
Flash mobs in 10 university centers
1. Adoption of the Student Statute;
2. How MECTS treats students.
The Student Statute has not been adopted, and MECTS reacts by trying to intimidate the student movement: it has cut off all funding provided to ANOSR for ongoing projects! Moreover, in the next negotiations, we received a completely different form of Student Statute to discuss, which eliminates most of the important rights for students!
March 7 - 10, 2011
Street protest in front of the Ministry of Education: "Funeral, be smart, I only asked for a quarter! ”
Students from Europe have been with us!
1. Oholding, starting with January 2004, the coupon cards with 24 free trips to CFR.
2. Eelimination of compulsory attendance at courses
3. Acording of winter camps
Compulsory course attendance will be included in the university autonomy, but winter camps will not be granted. Regarding the percentage of 25% student participation in the election of the rector, we are promised an indicator in the methodology of funding universities and in the methodology of quality assurance. Subsequently, the promise was not kept and ANOSR assumed through the strategy voted in the General Assembly the start of the legislative initiative to amend the education law so that students are represented as a percentage of 25% in the process of electing the rector.
Year 2011
November 17, 2011 - flash mobs in 10 university centers
Our claims:
a) Adoption of the Student Statute
c) How MECTS treats students
result: The Student Statute has not been adopted, and MECTS reacts by trying to intimidate the student movement: it has cut off all funding provided to ANOSR for ongoing projects! Moreover, in the next negotiations, we received a completely different form of Student Statute to discuss, which eliminates most of the important rights for students!
March 7-10, 2011 - street protest in front of the Ministry of Education - "Funeral be smart, I only asked for a quarter!". Students from Europe have been with us!
Our claims:
a) obtaining the percentage of 25% student participation in the election of the rector
b) elimination of the compulsory attendance at courses
c) granting winter camps
Day 1 - "We Support You" - was shouted while the student leaders were at the negotiating table
Alfanews.ro : http://www.alfanews.ro/2011/protestul-studen%C8%9Bilor-funeriu-i-a-amanat-jandarmii-i-au-dispersat-video.html – (Dorin Coteț, LS Galați)
Andreea Petruț - OSUBB Cluj
Bogdan Munteanu - LSETH Iași and Cristian Panțir - OSUT Timișoara
Oana Poraicu - ASUS Suceava
Bogdan Budașcu - LSUMC Constanța
Daniela Alexe - President of ANOSR, after the negotiations with the Minister from the first day
Day 2 - Don't you understand? We explain it to you!
Scene on the power of a rector in a university
Day 3 - burial of the last pillar of the student movement
Day 4 - "You made us artists, we make you communists!"
Results: Compulsory course attendance will be included in the university autonomy, but winter camps will not be granted. Regarding the percentage of 25% student participation in the election of the rector, we are promised an indicator in the methodology of funding universities and in the methodology of quality assurance. Subsequently, the promise was not kept and ANOSR assumed through the strategy voted in the General Assembly the start of the legislative initiative to amend the education law so that students are represented as a percentage of 25% in the process of electing the rector.
February 28 - March 6, 2011 - local protests (Japanese strike, removing sheets on the window and balcony, banner / sheet on the university with the message "Students' rights are not negotiable! We want 25%", sending the "home package" to the Ministry).
a) obtaining the percentage of 25% student participation in the election of the rector
b) elimination of the compulsory attendance at courses
c) granting winter student camps
Daily activities:
February 28 - Japanese strike with banners written in protest
March 1 - the removal of the wax on the window or on the balcony as a sign of solidarity
March 2 - sheet on the university with the message “We want 25%! Student rights are non-negotiable ”or“ You are unable to vote! Signed, Minister "
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhDnc8cIktk (Cluj)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy1EU-gAIUg (Cluj)
March 3 - sending the "home package to the Ministry of Education"
March 4 - Students from the country come to Bucharest for the national protest
Results: the 2 weeks of local protests (consultation with students as well as the actual protests) did not generate any reaction from MECTS. Soon, Romanian students were preparing for national protests in Bucharest!
February 17, 2011 - flash-mob on the occasion of the Forum of Student Organizations in Romania: "25% in () spike", Galați
Our claims:
a) obtaining the percentage of 25% student participation in the election of the rector
result: MECTS reacts publicly and insults the student movement through its statements. As a result, by the unanimous vote of the General Assembly, ANOSR prepares for the protests and organizes in this regard a calendar of 3 weeks of local and national protests.
20 August 2010
Manifesto in Costinesti
25 May 2010
Japanese strike, 20,000 white banners carried by Romanian students from 15 university centers
Maintaining the amount of grants for scholarships, dormitories and canteens for students.
The amount of subsidies has not decreased.
11 February 2010
ANOSR shows solidarity with students from Iran - End Opression!
Year 2010
20 August 2010 - ANOSR Manifesto in Costinesti, Diploma In vain offered by the "Academy of Advanced Academic Studies" - "We do NOT want valuable diplomas for dirty papers!"
Because students are still dissatisfied with the quality of education, but also to sound the alarm about it, ANOSR is organizing a manifesto on the relevance of the graduation diploma. I printed diplomas in vain and handed them out to passers-by, sang Gaudeamus Igitur, wore capes and chanted for a better quality of education.
25 May 2010 - Japanese strike, 20,000 white banners carried by Romanian students from 15 university centers
Our claims: (in the context of negotiations on a new education law)
a) maintaining the amount of grants for scholarships, dormitories and canteens granted to students
a) the amount of subsidies has not decreased (the strike has had the desired effect)
11 February 2010 - ANOSR shows solidarity with students from Iran - End Opression!

Due to the serious situation in Iran, where students were arrested and sentenced to death, but also to promote the values of democracy, freedom and equality, ANOSR, through member organizations, organized a symbolic action, and the students, dressed in black, went at the church and lit candles both in memory of the deceased and in solidarity with the living. Protest joins other protests in major European cities initiated by members of the European Students' Organization
April 2, 2009
Japanese strike, 20,000 white banners carried by Romanian students from 15 university centers
1. Increasing funding for education
2. Retention of discounts for public transport
3. Appointment of an adviser to the MECT in relations with the federations
1. Increasing scholarships by 15%
2. Retention of public transport discounts
Year 2009
April 2, 2009 - after 4 years of silence, ANOSR organizes large street protests in all main university centers - 3000 students take to the streets
Our claims:
a) Compliance with the commitments made by MECI in October 2008 regarding the 15% increase of the scholarships starting with January 2008. The increase of the amounts must be applied retroactively, starting with April 2009;
b) Maintaining discounts for public transport, as well as facilities related to student practice;
c) Increase of the dormitory-canteen subsidy, in relation to inflation;
d) Urgent signing of a protocol stipulating the working mechanisms between MECI and student federations;
e) Increasing the basic financing in relation to inflation, in order to avoid the unjustified increase of the fees in Higher Education;
f) Giving up the communist practices of control over the student movement
g) Emergency scheduling of a meeting with federations to discuss student issues
h) Appointment of a counselor within the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth in relation to student federations, in order to have an efficient communication between structures;
i) Treating student representatives as equal partners in terms of Higher Education in Romania;
j) Consultation of Student Federations regarding the set of Laws of Higher Education and completion of the LIS project by August 2009;
k) Modification of the financing methodology for Higher Education, so that the Universities will have the real amount, compared to equivalent students;
l) Unlocking the funds for further studies through the scholarship program: Government of Romania.
Presentation film
Some are against the protests
Bucharest and Timisoara
Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi, Constanta
Protest preparations - Timisoara
Cluj, Iasi
https://www.anosr.ro/index.php/participare-la-protest-in-intreaga-tara.html (summary of protests at university centers)
Scholarships were increased by 15%, and transportation grants were still awarded!
Year 2007
June 2007 - ANOSR street protest in Bucharest and Timisoara for the resignation of Mrs. Ecaterina Andronescu, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest
During an evaluation visit of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the external evaluation commission also discussed with the students' representatives, the members of the student organization. The next day, they were called to the Rector's office to give an explanation of their views. Ms. Andronescu was officially apologized to the students she tried to intimidate, as well as the resignation of all public officials held at the time (Rector of UPB, Member of the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, President of the National Council of Rectors). Ms. Andronescu did not resign or make an official apology.
November 7-11, 2005
Give Me 5 Campaign
1. Building new homes
2. Modification of the LEN in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Process
3. Reduction by 50% of ticket costs at CFR
4. Student participation in the ARACIS Council
80% of the Claims were made
1. 5% of GDP for Education
2. Modification of the LEN in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Process
3. ME supports 50% reduction of CFR ticket costs
4. Funds have been secured for the construction of 10 student dormitories, and other dormitories are to be rehabilitated
26 October 2005
ANOSR protest with the education unions
1 METERmodification of the Education Law
2. Rrecognition of student organizations as equal decision-making partners of the Ministry of Education
3. Schanging the criteria for core funding
4. Budget rectification for 2006
Year 2005
November 7-11, 2005 - ANOSR “Give me 5” campaign to increase the budget for education to a percentage of 5% of Romania's GDP.
The ANOSR campaign involved informing students from all university centers, collecting signatures, submitting a memorandum to the Ministry of Education, but especially massive street protests with teachers!
Main claims:
a) construction of new homes and rehabilitation of existing ones
b) the amendment of the Education Law in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Process and with the reality of the Romanian society
c) effective reduction by 50% of transport costs in the CFR network (regardless of the train category)
d) increasing the amount of scholarships and finding alternative solutions from the private sector
e) adaptation of the criteria for allocating the basic financing: introduction of qualitative indices in its granting.
f) increasing the number of internship places at economic agents
g) the share of urban transport costs borne by universities or local authorities
h) the percentage of investments from self-financing
i) quality assurance criteria
j) students' participation in the quality assurance process through their participation in the ARACIS council (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) as well as in external evaluations
k) introduction of student-centered funding
g) introduction of the individual accommodation subsidy
link to the campaign poster or directly on the site
Results: (80% of the claims!)
a) 5% of GDP for education (modernization and infrastructure of institutions)
b) amending the law on education in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Process and the realities of the labor market
c) clarification of the status of master's and doctoral students
d) The Ministry of Education supports the students' proposal regarding the 50% reductions in the transport costs in the CFR network
e) increasing the scholarships with 8% and identifying new solutions from the private sector
f) granting basic financing according to quality criteria
g) inclusion of the ANOSR delegate in the structure of ARACIS (the agency responsible for the quality of education)
h) the granting of the individual accommodation subsidy is discussed (student-centered financing)
i) for the year 2006, the funds were provided for the construction of 10 student dormitories, and other dormitories are to be rehabilitated
26 October 2005 - ANOSR protest with the education unions
claims were:
a) amending the Education Law in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Process and the reality of the labor market
b) recognition of student organizations as equal decision-makers to the Ministry of Education, including the standard of non-political affiliation
c) changing the criteria for basic financing
d budget rectification for 2006 in the sense of respecting the commitments assumed by the Government, through the Ministry of Education, in front of the national student organizations (increase of the subsidy for dormitories-canteens).
e) the budget rectification for 2006 on basic financing.
result: the wishes of the students were not listened to but soon they were preparing for a national campaign, through which to make themselves heard!
October 22 - November 15, 2003
ANOSR protests for a higher investment in education (minimum 5% of GDP) and increasing the quality of education
1. Crescheduling the fund for scholarships
2. R50% education in CFR transport and local public transport
3. R50% education at shows and exhibitions hosted by state institutions
4. Cthe resumption of the subsidy for students budgeted with 50% compared to the previous year
5. Reducating homeowners
6. Iinvolvement of students in the decision-making process
80% of the Claims were made
1. Oholding, starting with January 2004, the coupon cards with 24 free trips to CFR.
Year 2003
October 22 - November 15, 2003 - ANOSR protests for a higher investment in education (minimum 5% of GDP) and increasing the quality of education
Main claims:
a) increase the fund for scholarships so that they cover 25% of university students and cover meal and accommodation expenses, annual indexation of scholarships with real inflation
b) reduction of 50% for CFR transport and local public transport
c) 50% discounts on shows and exhibitions hosted by state institutions
d) increase of the subsidy for students budgeted with 50% compared to the previous year (increase of basic funding)
e) reduction of dormitory utilities
f) redistribution of the amount allocated to the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the death of Stephen the Great to student scholarships and grants
g) legislative measures of the Ministry of Education by which economic agents should be encouraged to grant private scholarships and loans to students, but also to offer more internships
h) establishing the number of places in universities based on a study of supply and demand on the labor market
i) involvement of students in the decision-making process (inclusion of ANOSR representatives in the process of drafting the education law and inclusion in the development of education policies in general) as well as in the quality assurance process
j) considering the quality assurance process a priority in reforming the education system
k) making educational pathways more flexible by introducing a larger number of optional courses
l) dynamization of the Calistro project
The main important moments of time:
- October 20 - the first negotiation of students for the Ministry of Education. Students' wishes are not respected!
- October 22 - in Timișoara, Iași, Constanța and Galați, students block classes and organize street protests. A general strike is declared!
- October 23 - in 17 university centers is organized "the funeral service of Romanian education"
- October 30 - USR member student organizations give up protest actions following the signing of a collaboration protocol between USR and the Ministry of Education. ANOSR continues the street movements!
http://www.gds.ro/Eveniment/2003-10-30/Studentii+craioveni+asteapta+sa+vada+cum+bate+ vintul
- October 31 - Bucharest and Suceava join ANOSR street protests
- November 1 - The European Students 'Organization submits a memorandum to the Romanian Government accusing the Government of not taking the students' demands seriously
- November 11 - the general strike resumes, the students take to the streets again, this time with the teachers. Main claim and message: 5% of GDP for education. ANOSR threatens unprecedented form of protest: march to Brussels to seek European Parliament support
- November 15 - ANOSR President Cristi Dumitru participates in the General Assembly of the European Students' Organization where he presents the problems of Romanian students
At the national level, the main result was to obtain, starting with January 2004, the coupon cards with 24 free trips to CFR.