Student Dojo

Student Dojo is a project consisting of two training sessions in the field of student representation. The project aims to train students who are actively involved in the lives of university communities and who assume the quality of representatives of their colleagues. Thus, students have the chance to know and understand the mechanisms of operation of the Romanian higher education system, finding out what are the current problems in this field, identifying the means by which they can contribute to solving them. Also, following these training sessions, participants will develop their communication skills, negotiation, mediation of conflict situations in the university environment, skills that will help them to support and defend the rights and interests of students.

The sessions are practical, being carried out together with the representatives of the universities at local level, and at national level, together with Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) and The Romanian parliament, National Council of Rectors (CNR) and Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS).

The project has two stages:

The series of five regional sessions training in the field of student representation, carried out in parallel in different areas of the country.

National session training in the field of student representation, held in Bucharest, with the best 25 participants from the regional sessions.

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