
Legislative basis
List of canteens of Romanian universities
Legislative basis
National Education Law no. 1/2011, art. 205, para. (12) and (13):
"The costs of maintaining the boarding schools, dormitories and canteens of the universities shall be covered by the own revenues of the respective educational institutions and by the subsidies from the budget for this purpose".
"University fees for dormitory and canteen students are at most equal to the difference between operating costs, including staff costs, utility costs, expenditure on raw materials and consumables, and current maintenance costs and budget subsidies, respectively. Of the state".
Law no. 447/2006 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities, art. 16, para. (8):
"Students with severe and severe disabilities benefit, on request, from a 50% reduction in fees for accommodation and meals at canteens and dormitories"
There is currently no public methodology for allocating the dormitory-canteen subsidy. It is allocated monthly, for each student accommodated, according to several categories: Romanian students, students from EU and EEA countries, Romanian students, children of teachers, orphaned Romanian students, students from placement centers, foreign scholarship students of the Romanian state , and is granted for 12 months, varying according to the season.
In order to ensure transparency, art. 205, para. (14) of LEN no.1 / 2011 obliges state public universities to publish the balance of income and expenditure for each student dormitory.
Art. 205, paragraph (13) of LEN no. 1/2011, regulates that “university fees for students in dormitories and canteens are at most equal to the difference between operating costs, including staff costs, utility costs, raw material and consumables costs and current maintenance costs, and respectively subsidies from the state budget ”. In this regard, accommodation charges should be set as follows:
T = (C - Sun / an * Sb) / Sc
T = (C - Sun / an * Sb + Tst * St) / Sc
C = operating costs of the home;
Sun / year = annual unit subsidy (according to available information, 1246 lei);
Sb = number of budget students accommodated in the dormitory;
Sc = total number of students accommodated in the dormitory;
St = number of paid students accommodated in the dormitory;
Tst = Sun / year = additional fee / equivalent of the budget grant that the fee students pay / should pay.
List of canteens of Romanian universities
State university canteens
Nr. crt. | University |
Abbreviation | List of university canteens | Canteen address |
State universities | ||||
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Rectorate Building - 5th floor |
Splaiul Independenței, no. 313, sector 6, Bucharest
Faculty of Automation and Computer Building | ||||
IMST Faculty Building - ground floor | ||||
Canteen from the “LEU” Student Complex - building A |
Iuliu Maniu Boulevard, no. 1-3, sector 6, Bucharest
Canteen from the "LEU" Student Complex | ||||
Cantina R3 - Regie | Splaiul Independenței, no. 290, sector 6, Bucharest | |||
2 | Technical University of Constructions in Bucharest | UTCB | UTCB Student Canteen | Lacul Tei Boulevard, no. 116, Bucharest |
3 | "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest | UAUIM | – | – |
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest
Canteen from the Veterinary campus - Cotroceni (catering system) | Splaiul Independenței, no. 105, sector 5, Bucharest |
Rustic Restaurant |
Bd. Mărăști, no. 59, sector 1, Bucharest
Blue Lounge Restaurant | ||||
Dining room | ||||
5 | The University of Bucharest | UB | Mihail Kogălniceanu canteen | Mihail Kogălniceanu Blvd., no. 36-46, Sector 5, 050107, Bucharest |
6 | "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest | UMFCD | UMFCD cellar | Bulevardul Eroii Sanitari, no. 8, the basement |
7 | The academy of economic studies in Bucharest | TO | Cantina Moxa; Cantina - Restaurant in the Cihoschi building in the Roman Square | Mihail Moxa Street, no. 11, in the courtyard of the Moxa Complex |
8 | National University of Music in Bucharest | UNMB | UNMB cellar | Știrbei Vodă Street, no. 33 |
9 | National University of Arts in Bucharest | UNARTE | – | – |
10 | "ILCaragiale" National University of Theater and Cinematography in Bucharest | UNATC | – | – |
11 | National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest | UNEFSB | – | – |
12 | Bucharest National School of Political and Administrative Studies | SNSPA | Not specified | – |
13 | "December 1, 1918" University of Alba Iulia | UAB | Student restaurant - canteen | Not specified |
14 | "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad | UAV | Student Canteen | Not specified |
15 | "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau | UVA | Student canteen | Marasesti Street, no. 157 |
16 | Transilvania University of Brașov | UTBv | Cantina Memo, Cantina Colina | MEMO - Str. Memorandum, no. 39; COLINĂ - Str. University, no. 1 |
17 | Technical University of Cluj Napoca | UTCN | Cantina Observator Mărăști Canteen CUNBM Cellar |
CANTINA OBSERVATOR: Location: Str. Observatorului, Nr. 34, Zorilor (in the area of student dormitories) CANTINA MĂRĂŞTI: Location: Str. Sugar Factory, Nr. 58, Marasti (in the area of student dormitories) CANTEEN OF THE NORTH UNIVERSITY CENTER FROM BAIA MARE: Location: Str. Victoriei, Nr. 76, Baia Mare |
18 | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca | USAMV Cluj | CANTINA RESTAURANT AGRONOMIA | Calea Moţilor 74-76 |
19 | "Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca | UBB | HAȘDEU canteen ECONOMIC Cafeteria Cafeteria LILIACUL Cafeteria LITERE Cafeteria DREPT Restaurant JUVENTUS FSPAC Cafeteria University House |
HAȘDEU canteen: 51 Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu Street ECONOMIC Cafeteria: pp. Teodor Mihaly no. 58-60 Cafeteria LILIACUL: pp. Arany Janos nr.11 Cafeteria LETTERS: str. Horea no. 31 Cafeteria DREPT: str. Avram Iancu no. 11 JUVENTUS Restaurant: I. Hatieganu Sports Park, FSPAC Cafeteria: str. Minerilor nr 85 University House: str. Emmanuel de Martonne, nr 1. |
20 | "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca | UMF Cluj | UMF Restaurant | Cluj-Napoca, Victor Babeş Street, Nr. 13 |
21 | "Gheorghe Dima" National Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca | AMGD | – | – |
22 | University of Art and Design from Cluj-Napoca | UAD | – | – |
23 | "Ovidius" University of Constanța | UOC | – | – |
24 | Maritime University of Constanța | UMC | There is a micro-canteen in the Lac Mamaia Headquarters location. | Cuarţului Street, no. 2 (on the shores of Lake Mamaia), Constanța |
25 | Craiova University | UCv | Fast Food Canteen | Calea Bucharest Street, no. 107 H |
26 | University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova | UMFCV | Canteen of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy | 1 Mai Boulevard, no. 68 |
27 | "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați | UDJG | Cellar no. 2 which includes 3 micro-canteens, Campus Canteen, Faculty Canteen, ASE Canteen, University Canteen | Galați, on Domnească street, no. 155, in the University Campus „Al. I. Cuza ” |
28 | Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iasi | UT Iași | Tudor Vladimirescu Canteen | Aleea Professor Vasile Petrescu, no. 29, Iași 700560 |
29 | "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Iași | USAMV Iasi | Cantina - Restaurant at USAMV | Târgușor Copou Campus, Locotenent Stoicescu Street, no. 1-4, Iași 700496 |
30 | "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi | UAIC | "Titu Maiorescu" canteen, "TAFRALI" cafe, "Gaudeamus" and "Akademos" canteens and restaurants | University B Corps; body A of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, on the ground floor; The precincts of the "Gaudeamus" home; Ground floor of the "Akademos" home. |
31 | "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi | UMF Iași | UMF GRIGORE T. POPA - PREGNANT BUFET | University Street, no. 16, Iași 700115 |
32 | "George Enescu" National University of Arts in Iasi | UNAGE | – | – |
33 | Oradea University | u | Select Cafeteria (restaurant, cafe, catering) | University Street, no. 1, Oradea 410087 |
34 | University of Petroșani | UPet | The student restaurant of the University of Petroşani composed of: Student canteen, University House, Student cafeteria | University Street, Petroșani |
The university of Pitesti
Cantina Academica | Str. Târgu din Vale |
Cantina Gh. Doja | Str. Gherghe Doja | |||
36 | "Petrol-Gaze" University of Ploiești | UPG | Canteen 1 | Bulevardul București 39, Ploiești |
37 | "Eftimie Murgu" University of Resita | EMU | Student Canteen, Campus Cafe | Student canteen: str. Roșiorilor, no. 1; Campus cafe: Str. Traian Vuia Square, no. 1-4 |
38 | "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu | ULB Sibiu | Cantina Restaurant | Parc student complex, B-dul. Victoriei no. 31, Sibiu |
39 | "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava | USV | Canteen | Str. University no. 13, Corp D, ground floor |
40 | Valahia University of Targoviste | UV Târgoviște | Wallachian Student Canteen | str. Revoluției, no. 13, 130011 |
41 | "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu Jiu | UTgJiu | Student Canteen | Within the Wharf complex |
42 | "Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology from Târgu Mureș | UMFST TgM | UMFST cellar | Str. Răsăritului, no. 9 |
43 | University of Arts of Târgu Mureș | failed | – | – |
44 | Polytechnic University of Timisoara | UPT | Polytechnic University Restaurant, Fast Food 1MV | Aleea Studenţilor 2, Timișoara, respectively Mihai Viteazu Boulevard, no. 1 |
45 | Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Mihai I of Romania" in Timisoara | USAMVBT | Stundering canteen | Calea Aradului no. 119, Timișoara 300645 |
46 | West University of Timişoara | UVT | In TimeUVT (with 2 locations in UVT buildings) | Vasile Pârvan Boulevard, no. 4, respectively Strada Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 16, Timișoara 300115 |
47 | "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara | UMFT | Diet Canteen | Regimentul 13 Călărași Street, no. 3 |
48 | Bucharest Military Technical Academy | ATMB | 1 canteen | George Coşbuc Boulevard no. 39-49, Sector 5 |
49 | "Carol I" National Defense University of Bucharest | NDU | 1 canteen | – |
50 | "Mihai Viteazul" National Academy of Information in Bucharest | ANIMVB | There is no information on the institution's website | – |
51 | "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy in Bucharest | APB | There is no information on the institution's website | – |
52 | "Henri Coandă" Air Force Academy from Brașov | AFAHC Bv | There is no information on the institution's website | – |
53 | „Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy from Constanța | ANMB | There is no information on the institution's website | – |
54 | "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy from Sibiu | AFTS | There is no information on the institution's website | – |