We are Next

The program "We are Next” reprezintă o serie de opt sesiuni de formare în arii profesionale diverse, cu scopul sprijinirii organizațiilor ANOSR prin pregătirea și formarea membrilor acestora în domeniile respective. Programul reunește anual aproximativ 130 de participanți la fiecare sesiune de formare, însumând astfel un total de 650 de tineri pe care federația îi formează.

The program aims to train members of student structures in the following areas:

600 participants annually

14 editions

NEXT HR - develops the qualities of managing teamwork and realizing the maximum potential of all members of the organization.

Proiectul este dedicat membrilor cu responsabilități în domeniul resurselor umane în cadrul organizației de proveniență, în anul universitar în curs.

The project aims to set up management dialogue groups of the volunteers of an organization, and the highlight of the debates is the process of recruiting and retaining new members. Finally, the importance of continuity of values through the transmission of organizational culture is appreciated.

NEXT FR - develops the negotiation and fundraising skills of members of student organizations.

The project is dedicated to the people responsible for attracting funds within the organization of origin.

În cadrul proiectului se desfășoară sesiuni de formare prin care se dorește dezvoltarea capacității organizațiilor studențești de a atrage resurse financiare din mediul privat. Proiectul își propune să realizeze acest lucru prin dezvoltarea abilităților de identificare a potențialilor parteneri din mediul privat, îmbunătăţirea tehnicilor de negociere ale participanților și dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare și colaborare ale participanților cu partenerii din mediul privat.

NEXT PR - develops the external and internal communication capacity of student organizations.

The project aims developing the capacity of student organizations to stand out in the online environment and beyond.

- PR training sessions aims to prepare participants for the drafting of public relations materials, online and offline promotion of student organizations;

- Design training sessions vor pune bazele unor principii elementare de grafică și a realizării materialelor vizuale; <br -=""
- IT training session aims to provide information on the creation and maintenance of web pages.

NEXT EDU - develops advocacy and negotiation skills and techniques.

The project is dedicated to the coordinators / heads of the educational departments of the ANOSR member student organizations, as well as to the student representatives in the management structures and the commissions of the member universities in the support commissions of the universities / faculties - members of the ANOSR member student organizations.

The project aims to develop their ability to influence university / faculty decisions in favor of students, both by improving their advocacy and negotiation skills and techniques, as well as their knowledge of student rights, university functioning, student representation mechanisms, insurance quality, funding of higher education or communication with the students they represent.

NEXT JR - develops leadership and organizational management skills

The project is dedicated to volunteers who want to hold a leadership position within the organization in the next academic year.

Next JR aims to develop the potential of future leaders of the student movement, locally or nationally. Through the project they know important aspects about leadership, representation and advocacy, as well as about the efficient management of an organization.

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